I'm doing nothing too, a lot of nothing, the week was hard on me, the Congress situation was tough on my brain noodles, making them greener than usual, and, that's no gray matter, let me tell you. Thankfully, my day trades turned out good and the Lord leads no matter what, but to get green in a crazy gray government uncertain week is a big blessing but... I barely slept four hours each of the last two nights, wed. and ,thurs., before last night that I welcomingly slept in, thank you, Jesus ! I don't know about this stuff. Praying. I appreciate your prayers too. God is good.

and, though better this sat. morn, watching Tennessee win last minute, pet my dog, wrastle her, I still groggy, and, am still pretty zombie-like and would pass for one of those on 'World War Z' I am certain if thrown in on a scene .