My sister's boyfriend of four years kicked her out last night. She left with her daughter for a while, but decided the best thing would be to go back and try and fix things. These people are now pretending it didn't happen, the guy is going about business as usual, playing with my niece and teaching her to ride a bike...basically he's taken on the role of a dad.
I am...extremely worried for them all. When my sister called to tell me about this today, I wanted desperately to give her answers, or help somehow. All I could think of over and over was "This is an example of why you shouldn't shack up, especially when there's a kid involved." I refused to say it to her...she already knows. She didn't need a lecture, she needed help and love.
And I didn't know how to offer either.
We ended up talking about what we're each making for dinner. And I feel like I've failed miserably.
We don't normally get along all that well. Our entire lives have been devoted to long periods of not speaking, sudden arguments, hanging up on each other, petty bickering...but also times where we need each other because there's no one else that really...gets it. When I've needed her, she's stepped right up and offered a hand. When she's needed me...
I talk to her about chili and roasts and potatoes.
...back to the drawing board...