Feeling like a dork but last night I walked across the street and just stared at my house lit up with christmas lights. It is not that it was decorated particularly well but it just made me happy to see the lights and the different look. I wondered what Jesus would think of the lights. As for all of us I assume, our house remembers He is the reason for the season but thoughts ran through my mind.
Jesus would love the lights, and all the festivities that are done to remember and celebrate the fact that our creator became a man to redeem us and God is our saviour.
Imagine the night when the heavenly angels shone round about
and sang a Holy chorus announcing the birth of our saviour,
Immanuel, God with us.
I don't have much, but it's there for ppl to enjoy,
so I wanted to see if it looked ok.
There are only about 4 maybe 5 houses with lights.
These are row homes, 50 houses on the block.
When I was a kid, there'd be 4 or 5 withOUT lights. Maybe.
Hang lights, sing, go to church, pray, praise, bake cookies, and roll piroghies,
(we're supposed to trade recipes, gosh time flies)
Donate to charity, give gifts, help someone,
Let ppl know you celebrate christmas and why,
It's Jesus Christ our true and living God and Saviour,
For God so loved you, and me, and the world,
that He gave His only begotten son, that
whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life. Merry Christmas.