You know the one thing I hate about this day? People who have a relationship always assume single people are miserable, and they act on that assumption by going out of their way to console the single people. Who said I'm miserable? Did my face look like I was unhappy? Why do you feel you must reassure me that there is someone out there for me? What if I don't want there to be anyone for me? What if I'm happy being single? What if the thought that there is someone out there for me gives me nightmares? (It doesn't, but what if it did?)
It's almost like they're so busy expecting we single people to be unhappy about being single that it's a disappointment if we're not miserable.
Personally I'm happy with life right now. I don't know from personal experience but I hear that life with someone is better than life alone. If being married is too much better than my current life I might need a sedative. I'm not against the idea of finding THE ONE for me, dating and eventually marrying her, but I'm not going to focus so much on what I lack that I ignore all I have to enjoy right now.
To my friends who are married or dating, I'm sorry if it disappoints you that I'm not miserable. But really, I don't need consolation. Really. I'm totally fine right now.
Now that that's off my chest... who's ready for candy half-off day?

Just try to beat me to the store. I get up awful early when there's a good reason to.