Lying in bed, posting from my phone, because warm (and the thermostat is so very, very far away).
I wanted to sleep in so badly today (my alarm clock won't go off for another 90 minutes), but last night's weak-sauce jalapeños conspired against my plans of blissful, uninterrupted slumber. You would think that I'd know better by now.
On the other hand, sleeping until almost 7 actually IS technically sleeping in when you normally wake at 5:30. Count your blessings, I suppose.
Music from the Polar Express won't get out of my head. I haven't even seen the film; we've just performed it for our Christmas concert for last three years (including last night). Not that the music is bad, but Silvestri has done sooooo much more quality work than Polar Express that I would rather have stuck in my head (Back to the Future, Captain America, and The Avengers, off the top of my head).
And now I am reminded of Joel McNeely's delightful original score to the 1998 The Avengers. (You know, that batslap-insane insane flick featuring Sean Connery in a giant teddy bear suit, and Eddie Izzard getting the snot kicked out of him by Uma Thurman while on a tightrope. I might be the only person who is actually proud to have it on DVD. Probably will never make it to Blu-ray, sadly.)
Happy burfday, lil_c, Arlene, and Blueorchid. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, lil.
I should just get out of bed. Bleh.
Five more minutes.