Today's goal: figuring out a way to feed a family of four on $300 a month.
I hate budgets. But then, I quite like the idea of buying a house in the near future, soo...
My other mother-in-law...step-mother-in-law? Anyway, she told me that she fed herself and her three kids on five dollars a day for years. Granted, this was well before a pound of hamburger cost $4.00. Even so, if I can figure out how to feed us all for under $10 a day, I'm ahead of the game...a little.
The trouble is, diapers and household cleaners and toilet paper and cat food are part of the grocery budget. And coffee. Coffee needs its own, separate budget around here.
I keep coming up with $200 just for half of the month's groceries.
Back to the drawing board *sigh*