I had a guy on a Christian dating site thoroughly chew me out once for using the term "Happy Holidays." So sorry to disappoint someone in that I'm not a perfect cookie-cutter Christian.
Yes, I am one of those pagan, horrible people who dares utter those two words.
My life is such that I don't see people very often throughout the year, so anyone I see around October or November whom I won't be seeing for a while will very likely get a "Happy Holidays, God Bless You!" from me as we part ways. To me, it's just a generic, obligatory holiday acknowledgment that is said out of basic social expectation.
I know some will see this as pure laziness, but I don't want to have to give a separate greeting for all 3 holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's) to every person I'm hugging goodbye.
The conversation is usually more geared around their families, job, and life in general rather than a socially constructed holiday greeting.
P.S. No worries, Little Mermaid -- I know you weren't meaning what you said in an offensive way at all.
You know me, I just had to give an alternative view.