I have a coffee addiction as well. Gonna be drinking decaf one day and eating a lot of cookies. The cookies are alright 'cause I need to gain weight. Maybe the sun will shine later. I can only hope and pray.
Decaffeinated coffee is not as healthy as it is being touted. It is just a new product so now they have to tell us that caffeeine is bad in order to get us to buy it. Coffee with caffeine is a better choice. Unless maybe you're having too much espresso and getting jittery, which I dont believe is the case. You likely drink the creamy palatable stuff stuffed with sugar that easily makes us addicted, no?
If you have low blood pressure or feel tired, there is nothing wrong with some coffee to keep you going and energized. Temperance is the key. I have low BP and drink coffee, not every day but often.
If you like coffee but feel you are overindulging in it, try to switch to a plain instant coffee or Turkish coffee, instead of rich, sweet coffee with creamer. Less processed is almost always better. And try not to sweeten. It might taste bitter in the beginning, as anything that tones the liver IS bitter by nature... after a while the one with added sugar will taste yuck, believe me. Why not try the coffee as God made it for you and intended it to taste. That might be an interesting experience... hmmmm?