New Phone Set Up By A Blond Shared from a PM to tourist....
Really? - you guys are letting the Blond set up an electronic phone? Really? huh.....sigh.... O.K. well - I guess it wasn't too bad except.................Notice there is always a but or an except when a Blond does anything???
Well like I was saying, I think I have the right plugs in the right holes. Things - don't ask me what they are called there just things o.k?...
... anyway those things are plugged into the wall - I guess they need electricity or something like that...... Then the phone thingy is plugged into the that jack thingy on the wall - I guess so the thingy knows my phone number right?
Then there are all these parts....phones 2 of them hey - I know what one thingy is... then there are these 2 batteries with a little set of wires and a pluggy thing on the end of it I know it goes somewhere.... and 2 little black plastic pieces.....
Oh......... now I see there are holes open on the back of the 2 phones....ohhhh so that's were that little wire pluggy thing goes... and if I do this then that little black plastic piece goes there....Guess what!!!!! I put one phone together!!!!! Oh crap, there is another one....o.k. I got it now BOTH PHONES are put together with the batteries in....!!!!!
Now lets see it wants the month 09 then the day 25 and then the year 14...Honey - I programed the date!!!! What next o.k. hour 06 mins 45 hummmmm how does the Blond make it PM????? Let me hit this little button....oh crap.....Honey the phone says AM....and I have pushed every button and it won't let me change it to PM....???? Guess what? I am going to leave that alone and let you figure it out when you get here o.k.????
Lets see now put this phone in this thingy and it's where it belongs in the dining room...Yeah one phone down..... Disappointment...Honey....I don't have enough outlets in the wall for this extra whatever it's called... Guess I will just have to put it over by the recliner instead of the couch...extra exercise it's good for me....Yeah!!!!....2 phones installed aren't you proud of me??? Mission kind of accomplished....Blond style...
I will need your help of course once you get here to figure some of this stuff out for me that I didn't do quit right o.k.??....Thank you....
hearts and hugs......
Blonds......= Hours and lifetimes of entertainment.....
.....luvs you Dar
P.S. The blender being understood by the Blond was not a problem at all and my shake will be done really fast tonight with a brand new sharp bladed blender - Oster brand that was on sale Yeah!!!......I guess one out of two phones vs. blender isn't bad right? Just keep me in the kitchen I understand things so much better in there.....Thanks for listening/reading it was almost like you were here with
Stick with me, kid. I'll teach ya how to use the phone AND the blender!! LOL!!
Really? - you guys are letting the Blond set up an electronic phone? Really? huh.....sigh.... O.K. well - I guess it wasn't too bad except.................Notice there is always a but or an except when a Blond does anything???
Well like I was saying, I think I have the right plugs in the right holes. Things - don't ask me what they are called there just things o.k?...
Then there are all these parts....phones 2 of them hey - I know what one thingy is... then there are these 2 batteries with a little set of wires and a pluggy thing on the end of it I know it goes somewhere.... and 2 little black plastic pieces.....
Oh......... now I see there are holes open on the back of the 2 phones....ohhhh so that's were that little wire pluggy thing goes... and if I do this then that little black plastic piece goes there....Guess what!!!!! I put one phone together!!!!! Oh crap, there is another one....o.k. I got it now BOTH PHONES are put together with the batteries in....!!!!!
Now lets see it wants the month 09 then the day 25 and then the year 14...Honey - I programed the date!!!! What next o.k. hour 06 mins 45 hummmmm how does the Blond make it PM????? Let me hit this little button....oh crap.....Honey the phone says AM....and I have pushed every button and it won't let me change it to PM....???? Guess what? I am going to leave that alone and let you figure it out when you get here o.k.????
Lets see now put this phone in this thingy and it's where it belongs in the dining room...Yeah one phone down..... Disappointment...Honey....I don't have enough outlets in the wall for this extra whatever it's called... Guess I will just have to put it over by the recliner instead of the couch...extra exercise it's good for me....Yeah!!!!....2 phones installed aren't you proud of me??? Mission kind of accomplished....Blond style...
I will need your help of course once you get here to figure some of this stuff out for me that I didn't do quit right o.k.??....Thank you....
Blonds......= Hours and lifetimes of entertainment.....
P.S. The blender being understood by the Blond was not a problem at all and my shake will be done really fast tonight with a brand new sharp bladed blender - Oster brand that was on sale Yeah!!!......I guess one out of two phones vs. blender isn't bad right? Just keep me in the kitchen I understand things so much better in there.....Thanks for listening/reading it was almost like you were here with
Stick with me, kid. I'll teach ya how to use the phone AND the blender!! LOL!!