I speak too freely. Instead of saying what people want to hear I tell it like it is, within reason of course.
For example, a couple of weeks ago I was talking to a man a bit older than I, who used to be a truck driver. Now this man can talk about that for hours if you'll listen. But we started talking about music, and he said one thing he couldn't stand was late 60's/ early 70's acid /hard rock. I, being the honest guy I am, told him I loved that kind of music (nicely at that) and that when I was a little kid and I heard that stuff on the am radio, I used to run off somewhere and crank it up. Now he won't hardly talk to me, and him and another guy he must have told (young enough to be my son) sit and stare at each other momentarily.
I'm thinking "really guys?"...
I'm the nice guy that people like to find something wrong with. If I wanted to, I could pick them apart, but I don't. What is God trying to tell me?