Aw, thanks very much. These days, the only selfies (of me) that I like seem to be in black and white!
Going Nowhere, you have a very sincere, handsome smile.
As for my identity... There are a few members on the site who have had the (possibly questionable

) experience of seeing me show up at their doorstep... So they would have to be the ones to tell you if I'm real or not.
Meg, thanks for the comment about the glasses. I was going for a retro 50's vibe.

You are beautiful and you write excellent threads and posts! We are glad to have you here in Singles.
And, I hear you about the man buns, along with Love Comes Softly's comment about clean hair.
I think as long as the style suits him and he has good hygiene, I can work with most anything, lol.

Though I do admit that I like it when guys aren't afraid to try different looks if there is the option to do so.
I went through a long time where I would grow my hair out for a few years, then cut it all off, because it felt like a cleansing experience and the start of a new beginning in my life. I had secretly hoped that the "right" guy for me would fall in love with me while I had short hair (since guys tend to see that as being less attractive), but these days, I tend to keep it about shoulder-length.
Like many women, my hair only seems to grow to a certain point and won't grow any longer, so I figure I'll enjoy the versatility of having it long for now.