I think the bigger question is, instead of how you can find one, is, why do you want one? Finding the perfect woman, doesn’t usher in the perfect relationship. What is your end game? Finding her is the start. Then what? If your life is lacking, a woman won’t fix that. Think of how you are addressing this problem. Problem one; if you are chasing, they are running...away. What can you do to make yourself more attractive? Let them find you. If your life isn’t enough for you, it sure won’t be enough for her too. The idea is to find a partner to work together for a goal. Sometimes a partner helps, sometimes a partner hurts. Pick your goal before you pick your mate. If you’re lonely, get a dog.
But, "it is not good for man to be alone, i will make him a helper meet for him."
Thankfully God didn't tell Adam to get a dog. That would have changed everything lololol
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