That is one of the reasons that I decided online dating was not for me, I found men who were so scared to meet in person due to "anticipated" rejection. I lead a busy life so spending most of it on my phone is not my equation for this season. So they would take up most of your time making conversation on phone, chat and generally driving you nuts. One guy actually bailed out on me and was online crying that he was so scared to meet me since he thought I was way out of his league and will reject him. Some of the recommendations here are point on. Also get an general idea of what you want in a person, what are dealbreakers and what are the must haves. These are not set in stone so you can work these out as the relationship progresses. Eg: Same Faith, Monogamous Relationship, Location, want/don't want kids, long term goals etc 1. Be honest and sincere, tell it as it is 2. Take time to know each other, sex only after marriage 3. Meet in person asap, when you do you either get an "green light" for chemistry or not. Also conversation is less ambiguous and more clarifying when you are face to face. 4. Some things unfortunately depends on time and effort, so invest time and effort getting to know the other person. Schedule it and hold onto it dearly 5. Don't date anyone else during the time you are dating this one person.
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