And let me ask you this. If God wanted a relationship with me, why make it ten times harder for me than the average person?
I believe GOD gets blamed sometimes for what the devil do.
I also believe the devil sometimes get credit for what GOD did.
When I hear things like the above quote, I immediately think of Ecclesiastics,
were GOD said to the man that walks under the sun, ( the flesh man ).
That we all face the same problems, That none of us face anything that is not common to any other man. and GOD will not put more on us than we can bear.
I can assure you, you are not the only one to experience this loop, I have been there a time or two, just don't stay there,
Now I have a choice to make. I can sympathize with you or I can trust his word to be true.
If I am to believe the bible, I can not help but think it may not be GOD that's making it ten times Harder, Now I'm not sure who else you could blame. I'm sure it's not your fault, I would take the blame but I just met you.
Now if I sympathize with you. then we probably don't need the bible anymore. Cause GOD tells us something different than what you are saying.
I'm on the fence with this, Maybe you can persuade me one way or the other.
Your thoughts