Let me tell you a few things about Denise. She gets $15 per hour where she works, even when she does a 24-hour overnighter. Just between yesterday and today she made just about $400 because she didn't leave there until 11:30 a.m. this morning. So she's NOT wanting for money at all. I'm not trying to be petty or selfish here, I just want the shoes to go to someone who truly needs them. Denise can't wear them because she has to wear diabetic shoes, so her interest in taking them was purely monetary since she put a tag for $30 on them.
Denise is extremely generous in several areas, but she is VERY greedy when it comes to money. If something is out free, she brings it home if she thinks she can sell it. She's a hoarder so she brings it home regardless of whether she needs, sells or keeps it anyway.
I'm trying to do what Jesus would here.

I feel He would give the shoes to someone truly in need of them, and not to someone whose sole interest in the shoes is to line her own pocket.
Denise makes it known very loudly, what is on her mind. Her actions are clear, she wants as much money as possible even if someone else has to go without. She has a TON of yard sale junk that she can't even sell because it's crappy junk and terribly overpriced. She doesn't need to add my shoes to the pile of stuff that sits in her apartment and doesn't get used. She even asked ME to sell HER stuff for her but the prices she wants are ridiculously exorbitant and NOBODY will pay that much for any of the stuff.
Maybe by me letting her know that I want the shoes to go free to a needy person, it will encourage HER to do the same and put some of her own stuff out free, just for the sake of clearing it out of her house.

We both live in efficiencies and it's just two big rooms. HER place is sooo cluttered with junk, and MY place is virtually empty. LOL