so he was offering to argue the rejected lawsuit before the SCOTUS on behalf of the outgoing president.
given what he has said in the past, and given what you take it to mean, i.e. that he will spout any lie in any context if it's to his advantage, would such a man be a good choice to be presenting arguments to the SCOTUS?
shouldn't we distrust everything he says?
shouldn't we -- according to your own estimation of him -- presume that he only supports the outgoing president's alternate reality because he's trying to win the votes of the people in the Trump cult?
Sir, while I can recognize and acknowledge your means for deduction, generalizations and reasoning - I also acknowledge your rather astute and masterful debating skills... The makings of a good lawyer - fully capable of making the case for whichever side or position that you choose defend.
I on the other hand tend to see things thru a different lens and often in broader terms of observation.
While I am not in the business of trying to influence or bias other people's decision making processes - but since you asked my opinion I am glad to response... Albeit, I have to say that I do not see the point of this sort of inquiry - knowing that it only serves as a mere distraction away from the bigger more strategic picture at stake for our democracy...
Recall my comment applied to 'Politicians' - being that given the distrust of biased MSM and SM tech giants (censorship, dishonest reporting - don't believe your own eyes - no violence, riots or looting to see here)...
I suggest that 'we' demand EQUAL vetting and professional journalistic reporting upon all news worthy Politicians; Not only should we question what all Politicians 'say' (it's about what they 'do' anyway) 'we' should also question (from this point forward) what we hear and see from MSM and SM - forever, or until they are held accountable for fair and balanced reporting
IMHO, Yes, Cruz eyeing his run in 2016 and prospect for 2024 was, is and would be a very smart Political play to attempt to garner Trump's base to build upon for his personal favor as a point of departure for 2024... I would advise 'we' refrain from using potentially flawed (if then) logic in validating our personal assumptions to discern judgements of others...
If we have re-learned anything from the 2020 elections, primaries and debates - if we are objectively looking at it equitably from both sides... We can confirm that Politicians (on both sides) can be found contradicting themselves, and striving to gain whatever political advantage they can for their Personal Gains (first) and their Party (second)... Recall Kamala's scathing racist accusations of Biden during their primary debate... We can play this tit for tat back and forth all day... But at the end of the day emotional debates about personality quirks or 'he said, she said' are mere mouse holes - given the bigger picture, consequences and stakes...
My bigger and more significant comment remains the more strategic issue and concern for the future state of our democracy: where "the Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend..." Where Cruz see's that he and Trump and 74K+ Patriots are on the side of defending our US Constitution against all Enemies... Where the common Enemy are the perceived Puppeteers who have financed, enabled and/or orchestrated Leftest Operatives whose actions and activities continue to raise more than a reasonable doubt about the current and future integrity of our once trusted liberty and democracy.
I'm a professional research analyst - I'm all about proving or dis-proving hypotheses and coming away with a better and more grounded understanding of the ground-truth... The analogy being 'Instant Replay' in professional or Olympic sports... Anyone who opposes an analogous 'Instant Replay' to fairly and objectively adjudicate the rightful winner (left or right) - IMHO is essentially exposing themselves as being completely BIASED to tilt the rules as long as they favor their side... As such, they are essentially declaring themselves to be on the side of the Enemy of our Constitutional Democracy...