Weaponized FBI and DOJ searching Mar-L -lago

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Luke 13:10-17 The FBI being humiliated in this raid is a fulfillment of prophecy


10 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” 13 Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.

Stand up straight. You are a fig tree of the Lord, you need to bear fruit. You need to stop being played by these evil rulers, so quick to go and kill and destroy some poor 3rd world country. You need to return to the land God gave you, the inheritance that God has given you. The criminality of the FBI is plain for all to see. Why does the apostate church bend over and do obeisance to these ones? You let them tell you what you can and cannot say because you are afraid they will revoke your tax exempt status.

Amos 2:4 This is what the Lord says: “For three sins of Judah, even for four, I will not relent. Because they have rejected the law of the Lord and have not kept his decrees, because they have been led astray by false gods, the gods their ancestors followed,

Yes, Amos enumerates six sins for why they will be judged. But he sums them all up in the seventh, you rejected the law of the Lord, you didn’t keep His decrees, and you were led away by false gods. Imagine some pastor being given a dream where he sees the coming judgement and wrath of God, the Lord tells him “brace yourself” and you interpret that to mean to move your investments to gold and to buy a gun! You don’t think you have been led astray by false gods? Stand up straight! “Brace yourself” means to set yourself to take up your cross and follow Jesus to Jerusalem. Turn over the tables of the money changers, and witness for Jesus.

14 Indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath,

There is a contrast between those who are praying that the father’s name would be hallowed, versus those who want their own name to be respected. Keeping the Sabbath was all about revering God the creator. Releasing this woman from Satan’s bondage so she could stand up straight and praise God. It seems to me that only Satan would have an issue with that. Why are these pundits on TV so upset that parents are going to school board meetings, or that people are getting involved in elections, or that record numbers are voting? Pride, ego, jealousy of others, this makes them one with Satan. No wonder God swore “lest they should enter my rest”. You want to enter the sabbath rest? Then your testimony must be “that it is no longer I that live but Christ who lives in me”.

the synagogue leader said to the people, “There are six days for work. So come and be healed on those days, not on the Sabbath.”

Are we to believe that this woman for 18 years never came to the synagogue except on the Sabbath? Are we to believe the synagogue ruler was healing people who were bent over on the other days? It sounds so religious and pious, and yet in reality so hypocritical and mean. This is the leaven of the pharisees that Jesus warned us about. For two years we have heard about how dangerous the pandemic is, how we need to shut down businesses, wear masks, shut down churches, stay home all to protect lives. It sounds so pious and concerned about people’s lives. But we now have 2,000,000 people swarming the border because Biden has promised amnesty. Is that really safe during a pandemic? For four years we heard that walls don’t work yet they surrounded the capitol with a wall? For six months we heard why you can’t send in the National guard to quell the riots and looting, yet they filled Washington DC with 25,000 troops? We heard for weeks how right wing supporters were going to storm all 50 capitols and riot, yet the only riots we saw were from ANTIFA in Portland and Seattle which the media didn’t cover. It is as though we are now in opposite world. We were told that Biden was not against fracking and yet the very first day he cancels a pipeline which put 11,000 people out of work and he cancelled fracking on public lands and sure enough gas prices went through the roof.

15 The Lord answered him, “You hypocrites! Doesn’t each of you on the Sabbath untie your ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water?

Wow! They were treating people worse than beasts of burden in the guise of obeying God’s decrees. They are demanding that the schools are closed and kids are taught remotely, however, they are also opening schools for illegal immigrants. They want proof that you don't have Covid before you can travel, however, if you are an illegal alien they don't require that. What hypocrites. Not only do people learn to hate them but they ascribe this cruel doctrine to God, teaching people to hate God. This is the leaven of the pharisees. In the same way the American people are taught to hate what is going on and then they put the blame on these “right wing supremacists”. Recently we learned that Liz Cheney amassed $36 million in net worth over six years as a senator. You better believe they take care of their own ox, but the American people can't afford the inflation and the only advice they have is to buy an electric car.

16 Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?”

So the synagogue leader is teaching that the law concerning the Sabbath requires that we treat a child of Abraham worse than we would treat an ox? If we are out to glorify our own names we will become abusive. We will distort and twist the Bible to our own purposes. We will become hypocrites. The Lord is teaching that the Sabbath was a day of rest, therefore it is appropriate to release this woman from being bound so that she could have rest. That is how she will keep the Sabbath. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, how is it that this pious religious leader couldn’t see that?

17 When he said this, all his opponents were humiliated, but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing.

Once they tried to oppose Him “it was on”. They accused Him of healing by Beelezebul, they were humiliated. They tried to get Him to show them a sign that He was a great prophet, to glorify Himself, and He says the only sign they will see is the sign of Jonah. He will be crucified and raised again. Not only so but just as Jonah protested in the streets of Nineveh for 40 days the protests in the streets would be the sign of His coming. The cross is where Satan was put to an open shame. Now they try to say that Jesus violated the law when in fact He fulfilled it, they were humiliated.

Malachi 2:7 “For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, because he is the messenger of the Lord Almighty and people seek instruction from his mouth. 8 But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have violated the covenant with Levi,” says the Lord Almighty. 9 “So I have caused you to be despised and humiliated before all the people, because you have not followed my ways but have shown partiality in matters of the law.”

One key aspect of the day of the Lord that many gloss over is that religious leaders will be humiliated and despised before all the people. What does the "fake news" refer to but the humiliation of the "prophets". CNN has seen their ratings drop 70%, that is a fulfillment of this prophesy. Youtube has deleted millions of dislikes of Biden's videos, that is a fulfillment of this prophecy. This also is the Lord’s goal. In the meantime the people will be delighted with Jesus and His ministry. It is such a repulsive act when leaders and rulers make evil good and good evil. On the other hand it is such a delightful act when these same rulers are humiliated and God’s people are released from bondage. We are seeing this in our day. Congress and the media are despised. They are hypocritical.


It is never, ever my goal to put fear in anyone - the fact that you think that way tells me I'm 100% right about what an ungodly fool you are.

You wouldn't recognize the Word of God if it were readily available to you (obviously). You and your idols have no relationship with the Lord other than an adversarial one.

You love your idols so much that the thought of someone going against "vets" (not someone actually saying anything, but your imagination that they did) leads you to violently and aggressively declare them to be on your "hit list", a term indicating you want to murder the person for your over-zealous perception that they have "attacked" your idol, your god.

God hates your idolatry and you're too arrogant to even see it.

Exodus 20
3Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Now let's see your scripture that tells you to put on your "hit list" people who you are afraid are "attacking out [sic] vets" (you were so angry you couldn't spell "our", you misspelled it).

Here's another one since you're so prideful you chose "Rich Man" as your screen name/handle:
(from THREE of the Gospels, mind you)

Luke 18:25
For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Mark 10:25
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Matthew 19:24
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

I'm glad to be on the "hit list" of someone so abjectly anti-Christ as the likes of you!!!! Go worship your idol!!!!
Confession time---
In many ways I am a foolish man.
I have done foolish things.
I have said foolish things.
I have written/posted foolish things.
JohnnyRC90 has called me a ungodly fool.
That may be true, but that is for God to determine, not JohnnyRC90.
I would encourage all to read Matthew 5:22.
Best I not read or respond to this person again.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2022
Almost Heaven West Virginia
You are new to the forum, we like to get an idea of who we are talking to, in your very first post on this thread, and only your second substantive post on this forum you give this obscure and vague post, it is very reasonable that it would be hard for any to understand what you were saying.

Since I have said essentially the same thing many, many times that I am happy for justice to be done, and if Trump, or Clinton, or Obama or whoever is guilty I am all for them to be charged, tried and convicted. So why are you attacking my posts as being contrary to God's word?

In Post #176 responding to me you said "I'm sorry that you are averse to His Word on that issue,"

Why would you say that if you are saying the same thing I have said repeatedly?
Because that's the method of this troll.
I have a suspicion that he was banned from other christian forums when I read his first introductory post.
Then I get this major gaslighting and I would be very surprised if he wasn't.....

Oct 31, 2021
Confession time---
In many ways I am a foolish man.
I have done foolish things.
I have said foolish things.
I have written/posted foolish things.
JohnnyRC90 has called me a ungodly fool.
That may be true, but that is for God to determine, not JohnnyRC90.
I would encourage all to read Matthew 5:22.
Best I not read or respond to this person again.
I warned you that I would slay you with the Sword as I did to ZPN and you scoffed. Within another post or two you are defeated by God's Word, the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT. It has torn asunder your heart's intentions and deceit and laid it all to bare and here you are admitting to the truth and to your defeat.

Next! This Sword does not get DULL!!!


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Because that's the method of this troll.
I have a suspicion that he was banned from other christian forums when I read his first introductory post.
Then I get this major gaslighting and I would be very surprised if he wasn't.....

Everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased

9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

This word "despise" is really an ugly word, it indicates you hold others as having no account, and being contemptible.

10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

Interesting to me that the Lord is so specific about who they are. A Pharisee is a "teacher of the law". A publican refers to a tax collector though the term is a little less specific and a little more figurative. I suppose today we might use terms like "right wing politics" or "lover of mammon".

11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,

Wow! what an expression! Who prays with himself? What an egotist. It would be like someone coming onto a Christian forum so they could talk with themselves.

God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

It seems to me that for this Pharisee everyone is evil. He is saying they are ungodly, they are idolaters, they are evil, they are sinful, they are liars, etc.

12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

In other words he is saying that he has a relationship with God and they don't.

13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

Interesting, the Publican knows he is a sinner, he knows he falls short of the glory of God. He is convicted by the law. This Pharisee thinks the law is there to kill and gut other people and yet never takes to heart that it is convicting him. The Publican is slayed by the word, the Pharisee thinks it is his job to slay everyone else with the law.

14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other:

Wow, did you get that? We don't go to the Lord to condemn and judge others, rather we should go to the Lord so that we could be washed, we could be fed, we could repent, we could receive from the Lord and then be strengthened to obey the Lord.

Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

This is how we become justified. Then, and only then, does God glorify us. We don't need to be tooting out own horn, boasting about how many godless fools we have insulted. To call a Christian a fool demonstrates to me that you have no fear at all of the Lord or of His word.

but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

I would think any genuine believer who had done this would repent on their knees and beg for forgiveness.

for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

You see this all the time when these pompous athletes say they will defeat Mike Tyson, or take down Tom Brady, etc. That is exalting yourself. Pride comes before a fall, I suspect arrogant ones like this may just fall on their own sword. I have been told that this troll you are talking about thinks it is some kind of self exaltation that everyone is putting him on ignore!


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

In other words he is saying that he has a relationship with God and they don't.How do we know? Because of these things. Jesus said that we are to love one another and in this way everyone would know that we are His disciples. Whoever this pharisee has a relationship with it is clearly not Jesus.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2022
Almost Heaven West Virginia
Everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased

9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

This word "despise" is really an ugly word, it indicates you hold others as having no account, and being contemptible.

10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

Interesting to me that the Lord is so specific about who they are. A Pharisee is a "teacher of the law". A publican refers to a tax collector though the term is a little less specific and a little more figurative. I suppose today we might use terms like "right wing politics" or "lover of mammon".

11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,

Wow! what an expression! Who prays with himself? What an egotist. It would be like someone coming onto a Christian forum so they could talk with themselves.

God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

It seems to me that for this Pharisee everyone is evil. He is saying they are ungodly, they are idolaters, they are evil, they are sinful, they are liars, etc.

12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

In other words he is saying that he has a relationship with God and they don't.

13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

Interesting, the Publican knows he is a sinner, he knows he falls short of the glory of God. He is convicted by the law. This Pharisee thinks the law is there to kill and gut other people and yet never takes to heart that it is convicting him. The Publican is slayed by the word, the Pharisee thinks it is his job to slay everyone else with the law.

14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other:

Wow, did you get that? We don't go to the Lord to condemn and judge others, rather we should go to the Lord so that we could be washed, we could be fed, we could repent, we could receive from the Lord and then be strengthened to obey the Lord.

Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

This is how we become justified. Then, and only then, does God glorify us. We don't need to be tooting out own horn, boasting about how many godless fools we have insulted. To call a Christian a fool demonstrates to me that you have no fear at all of the Lord or of His word.

but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

I would think any genuine believer who had done this would repent on their knees and beg for forgiveness.

for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

You see this all the time when these pompous athletes say they will defeat Mike Tyson, or take down Tom Brady, etc. That is exalting yourself. Pride comes before a fall, I suspect arrogant ones like this may just fall on their own sword. I have been told that this troll you are talking about thinks it is some kind of self exaltation that everyone is putting him on ignore!