There is no man as blind as the blind man who believes he sees. And yet you believe in Niburu. We discussed this, and when I realized you were not going to change your mind, I left it. I didn't call you a moron for believing it. I know that you are aware that thinking curses can be attached to inanimate objects is a fairly common view in the church. You're like most have to insult those you disagree with. SMH It's probably best that we don't talk anymore. Nibiru...from what I recall, this teaching comes from beings that are obviously related to fallen angels.
There are also historical accounts that describe very catastrophic events on earth that are also described in the Bible like Noah's flood and the destruction of Egypt at the time of Noah.
It is very difficult to explain the two times that the Sun either "stopped" or moved back on the sun dial in any other way other than the near pass to the earth of a massive object.
It is also very hard to explain why the Vatican would buy up a very expensive telescope and observatory designed specifically to see a brown dwarf star.
It is also very hard to explain why many nations including the US, Russia and European nations have been building massive underground bases.
Nor is it easy to explain the incredible increase in billionaires buying luxury underground bunkers.
Every time someone wants to say that "Planet X" is an explanation from morons I have asked for their explanation of all these observable and indisputable facts. After all why would the US move a secure bioweapons lab on Plum Island to Kansas?
The response has been crickets. No explanation. Zilch. That is why you don't hear anyone trying to back up their insults and ridicule of this.
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