This is the problem with all of this. Years ago I was discussing this in a local news forum re: the marriage arguments. Knowing this is all at root an attack against God, I told argued that this was not about marriage but was an ongoing deviation from a standard. Just as there were previous deviations, there would be continuing deviations and ultimately this would be about God creating in kinds. And once we go to that level anything goes - in practice there are no standards.
From the Theological Workbook of the Old Testament re: various Hebrew words translate as "sin":
From the Theological Workbook of the Old Testament re: various Hebrew words translate as "sin":
Thus like other words related to the notion of "sin" it assumes an absolute standard or law. But, whereas pesha signifies a "revolt against the standard," and awâ means either "to deviate from the standard" or "to twist the standard," hata means "to miss, to fall short of the standard. The Greek word anomia "sin," consists of the privative prefix with the word for "law," thus "without law." Therefore judgment is implied, for the law in fact is binding even if the sinner thinks himself to be "without law."
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