Enough is enough!
A white cop kills a black man, so people condemn all cops as racist evil men.
Those who do so are no better than some one who sees a black man commit a crime and condemns all black men as criminals.
A tragic thing happened so some people decide to burn a city down.
OH, what the hell, lets just burn the whole country down!
These people have caused the destruction of many innocent peoples lives, have caused many people bodily injury, and even death.
I hear people, even on this forum, say they do not condone their actions but fail to condemn their actions.
These people out in the streets causing all this destruction are no better than the white cop that took the life of the black man.
They are thugs, plane and simple and should be treated according.
Regardless of how terrible an injustice may be, it does not justify what we see happing.
Once riots start, and the people grow in numbers they continue to grow for they love that they are asserting what they want to say, and the media is blowing it out of proportion.
Like the counter culture movement they loved that they were asserting their own authority, and speaking out, and the American government wanted the counter culture movement.
They should take an isolated incident and treat it as such, and not apply that to everybody for it has nothing to do with all cops, and has nothing to do with all white people.
But it is part of the plan so they will grow in numbers, and speak more, for that is what the American government wants, and what the other governments want.
It is time for the nations to come together for they have their peace plan for the world and they are implementing that plan, so they will allow them to get away with protesting and will not stop them.
And they will allow the people to make the choice to come together as one, and be equal, and then the governments will do the same, and all the world will be equal.
And they are going to put everyone equal including economics, and social status.
And they are going to have a new system of operation for the world that can only be a communistic type of government for that is the only way they can be equal, for freedoms, Capitalism, and Democracy, does not cause equality.
The protests were planned before the protests began.
The American government wants the protests for equality, and against police brutality, and the other nations leaders wants the same in their nation.
President Trump is playing the bad guy on purpose to further provoke them to protest.
The protests will result in them removing all public display of prejudice out of America whatever it is, and making it a crime to display prejudice whether ethnic group, gender, sexual preference, or whatever it is.
When the people are as one and equal then the American government will put aside their differences, and be as one with no more division with a new form of government in place.
The nations will do the same thing and the nations will come together to work for peace on earth.
United Nations Agenda 21/30 will go in to affect.
All people will be taken out of the rural areas and placed in the cities, and no development outside the city limits, and the city will be like a sophisticated concentration camp.
The streets will be 24 hours surveillance with cameras, technology, and the people watch the street and their neighbor to fight crime, and the communities handle the problems, and law, and if they cannot handle it then the military will handle it.
They will switch military troops around the world where the military in America will be of a different nation which will probably be China and Russia for American people are stubborn, and America's military will crack down on the people of other nations mainly where they have bases.
5G technology will be in the city for fast communication, which is shorter wave lengths so they have a mini tower every 500 feet, and past the city limit of over 500 feet they will not be able to communicate so the people will probably not be able to communicate with other people in the other cities.
They will limit our resources.
The United Nations will take control of everything including people.
They will take control of bank accounts, assets, land, and all things people own to put them all as equal economically, and they will only go by their needs.
Everyone will be on the same level as equal, economically, social status, what they own, with no one above another person in anything.
It is time to cause all the people to be equal, the governments to be equal, ban the police, bring the nations together, cause United Nations agenda 21/30 to go in to affect, and produce the New Age Christ, antichrist.
The American government wants the protests, and want them to have their way and prosper during the protests, and the other nations want the same, so that the people of the world will view each other as equal, and then the government will do the same, and it will bring the nations of the world together as one and they will work for peace on earth.
But this system will be a communistic system for that is the only way it can work, and the only way people can be equal is in a communistic system.
Pro Athletes, movie stars, television stars, millionaires, billionaires, high paying jobs, all reduced to be a common person like everyone else.
And it will result in freedoms gone, more police action against them as the whole community is like the police working against crime, and more control of the people as they are confined to the city that they are at, and the military to crack down on the people that the communities cannot handle like an uprising, which many might want to protest at first for the loss of freedoms, and being confined to a city, but they will quickly fall in to line for there is no power to do anything against it for the world is together now.
The African Americans and all who protest do not understand what the result will be of their protests, and they will think they are winning, and prospering, and their voices heard, and they will make a change, but it will result in them having it worse and freedoms gone.
For once the nations come together to work for peace then the world's power will be against those who do not comply, and will allow the New Age Christ to work in the world and he is not playing.
And the American dream will be dead which they are already pointing out places in America where the American dream is dead, and they want the American dream to be dead.
They will use the coronavirus whether real or not, and whether exaggerated or not to collapse the economies of the developed nations, and deplete their money, and they are talking about a second shut down because the coronavirus is spiking, and they will keep it up until the economy collapses.
Then the people will cry for help to meet their needs which then it is more easier to control them, and will put all people on an equal level.
They want to collapse all businesses, but Walmart may be the nation wide store, and maybe a world wide store for they have 4600 stores world wide not including America.
And since it is a communistic type system they will not operate for profit, and people will get a basic income for their needs, so when they spend the money it goes to the money pool, and then back out to the people.
Which the stimulus checks in America is a pattern for basic income for the future for the world.
The American government wants the protests, and the Republican and Democrats will come together for it is part of the plan, and cause the government to be as one with no division, so the protesters will prosper, and knock down statue after statue, and public display of prejudice.
The Bible says the nations will come together and this is what causes it starting with the coronavirus, and the nations leaders are in agreement for a peace plan for the world, and in agreement on United Nations Agenda 21/30.
The African Americans have been wanting to lash out for years, and now they are able to do that without being stopped, and sympathy showed towards them for that is the plan of the governments of the world to put the people as equal so they can bring the nations together, and the media will hype it up in favor of them, and the African Americans will not stop but keep going now they are on a roll, and not being stopped, receiving support, and the American government will love it all the more.
Camden, New Jersey, already banned the police, and the police chief was walking with the protesters, and the Marines took away all public display of prejudice, and they even want a statue of Abraham Lincoln took down, for they will not stop and they do not want them to stop.
Their protests is part of their plan, and they will not interfere, and to spark the equality rally that will grow bigger that will be around the world to cause the world to cry for equality.
But the African Americans are being played, and they do not realize it, and when they are confined to a city with freedoms gone, no entertainment, no rights, no protests, only going by their needs, Michael Jordan as their neighbor having no riches will the African Americans say whoops our bad for we did not know that it would result in this.
For once the nations come together there is no protests, and more control of the people, and freedoms gone in America, and they are not dealing with America anymore, but they are dealing with the world.