They keep telling us there is a shortage coming. I haven't seen it yet locally but somewhere along the line people are gonna realize the holidays are upon us and they are out of luck. I just sense that we are in for some hard times ahead in America, like hasn't been seen in years.
I've never considered myself a prepper but I went out and got all the dry goods for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. I also got all the baking goods last night. Then hubby and I bought a freezer. I'm not panicked, I just the Lord telling us to prepare. I did the same for my parents. So is anyone else feeling the same way? We see the ships in the harbor and no movement. I think the holiday season is going to get bad quickly. I don't want to be out there fighting for TP with a mob of crazy people. But then, I always like to be prepared, I hate sitting and worrying and doing nothing. I figure if I prepare I can help someone else that needs it. Anyone else making plans or you don't think this is serious enough to prepare?
So for me, I've been a prepper, well at least since getting married. My in laws are older, born during the Great Depression and raised to be prepared, which mother in law passed onto hubs. When we first got married we got our deep freeze, and that's a big help. When meat goes on sale I stock up. After 15 years together, I kind of have a pretty good idea of what we like to make. Super cheap deal on pork shoulders in the "off season" of winter makes for one tasty summer BBQ with out the summer spike in prices. FOOD SAVER machines and bags are a friend, and in my opinion a must have. We also know that our Thanksgiving menu pretty much stays the same year to year, so I've been able to get what I need for that (minus the fresh produce). That gives me a peace of mind, not so much because of the so called soon to be shortages, but more because it means I won't have to spend that time out shopping with the "holiday rush" Despite the fact that it stresses me out, I almost always end up doing so.
I don't feel panicked, despite all that is going on and being said. Jesus brings a peace that passes understanding, I've experienced that more the past year and a half/ 2 years than ever before in my life. I had a lot going on before the shutdowns, and wasn't listening to news enough to know/realize something was about to happen, though I did have an urge to go do my stock up shopping, I was busy with a lot of things and kept putting it off. All I really knew was that people were going nuts over toilet paper. But between what was left in our house (actually you'd be surprised with what you can spontaneously throw together with the odds and ends hiding in the back of the pantry and bottom of the deep freeze) and what was in the kitchen of the elderly family members we cared for during that time we were able to make due. There was a period of almost 2 weeks (just before stores started becoming stocked again) that I realized stuff was dangerously low and panic tried to set in, but I remember stories from elders of how God always provided in their times of need, and learned myself that He still does, and during those few weeks of low almost out supply He did.
So how does this:
I've noticed the creatures in our yard (birds, squirrels chipmunks, just to name a few) are busier gathering and storing right now than I have ever noticed them being in past years.
tie in with shortages?
Well, maybe not by much. But like I said, I've witnessed the critters working to store food more than I have in the past and it just leads me to wonder (especially with all the stranger than normal weather this year) what the winter might be like. Animals seem to have a natural built in system to know just how to prepare. Watching them just makes me want to make sure we're stocked up and supplied, in the possible event that due to weather we can't get to the store.
But after the "Great Toilet Paper Famine" I just can't help but wonder if
"they" are trying to fear people into going out to buy, buy, buy now BEFORE holidays sale prices.

Just my thought. I don't know, but I'm prepared/preparing scamdemic or not simply because that is my families nature to do so.