Lol. Says the nutter who claims others are anti-semites and racists for the violent and unChristian straw men he builds for them, and who can't put a coherent argument together? Not today, thank you, Rothschild Zionist. I don't worship the Rothschilds nor those their ill-gotten wealth has spawned. Their corrupt wealth will perish with them.
Fortunately, I do not suffer from this odious malady of yours.
On the contrary, I am THRILLED that God has preserved the Jews, proving Himself faithful.
An even more thrilled to see that God's end-of-the-age scenario so declared in so many prophecies is coming to pass,
which is a comfort to me and a great bolster to my faith in His faithfulness, grace and truth.
Go the present day Jews who now reside in Israel Ashkenazi frauds.
Go ahead, call this pre-gathering an hoax and a conspiracy by super-evil Rothchild Zionists.
The wise who can see won't believe a word of it. And that's all that really matters.
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