It is all about them wanting to get the microchip in people because they want that type of system in the world where they can track people, and all information about them on the chip, and locate people for whatever reason.
But they cannot get them to take the chip without an excuse for the people would not go for it.
So they are using the coronavirus vaccine as an excuse to give them a chip to identify who has the vaccination and does not.
Donald Trump introduced a biometric system to give to people on temporary visas and said if they had that in place 911 could of been avoided and America had been considering it but did nothing about it.
For they know the biometric system will cut down on crime.
It is all about them getting a microchip in people.
But they cannot get them to take the chip without an excuse for the people would not go for it.
So they are using the coronavirus vaccine as an excuse to give them a chip to identify who has the vaccination and does not.
Donald Trump introduced a biometric system to give to people on temporary visas and said if they had that in place 911 could of been avoided and America had been considering it but did nothing about it.
For they know the biometric system will cut down on crime.
It is all about them getting a microchip in people.