You can hypothetically think you are The Judge all day long friend. No skin off my nose.
I am stating a hypothetical scenario where it's a given that Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are being murdered, displaced, and their homes are taken over by Israelis, would you think it's justifiable to do those acts because "God gave Israel the land"? Would it mean that Jews are the rightful owners of not JUST the land, but to Palestinian's personal possessions/homes?
This isn't judging... I'm asking if it's a sin to murder and steal personal property from someone who isn't a Jew but lives in the West Bank or East Jerusalem. The answer is that "murder" and "stealing" are sins period. The acknowledgement that God has given/will give the land to the Jews does not mean it's justifiable to kill Palestinians and take their homes. Murder and stealing are always counter to God's commandments. You refuse to call sin a sin and hide behind not wanting to be a "judge".
This cowardice is what's wrong with Christianity today. We are too afraid to calla sin "a sin" out of fear of being perceived as judgmental hypocrites. We are stating what God' commands.
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