@Magenta my son was born at 32 weeks. But I'm just arguing the point being made that Democrats are somehow wanting people to have abortions even after they are born. And even at 24 or 32 weeks, if the baby births and is alive when birthed, it then becomes murder to kill that baby. That's the law in every state in the nation.
The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
While I am personally against abortion, I do know that I live in a lost and dying world and that there is a great swell of people who want to make it legal. I have no problem with the practice being legal or not. But my feelings against it are based on my knowledge of God and His word to me. The lost don't follow or understand the knowledge of God and His word to us. So, I don't expect them to be for it and I don't expect those who are truly born again, to ever be a majority of any group, except within a body of believers.
It's a choice made by faith. But the majority of the world doesn't have such faith. I'm ok that it can be legal. The crime against God doesn't come until someone has one. And Jesus died for that, too. I think that this evangelical movement to make just this one part of God's will for us to be so diligently fought, while allowing and even practicing it and the many other sins of the world.
Nobody, even within the church seems to be particularly concerned that adultery and fornication should be illegal, also. Games of chance are rampant. So for me, if you want to make such laws to rule the nation, then you need to be following them yourselves. And I know a lot of christians who have had abortions at some point in their life. Even among christians there's a lot of support for abortion.
Religious women have abortions, too. And many faiths affirm abortion rights. (
Why in the world are we trying to make the world hate us over this issue of abortion when they know that we can't even settle it among ourselves? They don't understand that, "Well, the Baptists are strict about it and they're more like God." Or the Catholics are more against it. There are hundreds of churches and church goers out there that we don't need to be fighting this fight with the world over abortion, because that's just making us look like hypocrites in their eyes. Tell them about Jesus and let the Holy Spirit begin to teach them of the ways of God. That's the only way you're going to get rid of abortions.