I agree but there's something that I should correct from a former post of mine though. There's a flood of articles in Texas news speaking of Dunn and the Wilks brothers but I think the journalist may be lump summing their beliefs together. I think that they are not understanding each of their eschatological views as individuals.
Anyway over the last few days I have looked for videos of them speaking and I am more of the mind that Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks are from two different camps of eschatology. As for Dunn his son(Lee) has a video on the Midland Bible Church web site titled "The Gospel and the End Times", at about the 50 minute point(+- few minutes) the things he says about the grafting in of the branches and Israel suggest to me that they do not believe in RT as some of the news articles indicate. To me after listening they(MBC) are closer to Dispensationalism but if mid Acts,Acts 2 or 28 I'm not sure.
On the other hand Farris Wilks does seem to be in support a type of RT, disagrees with the Trinity ect. He being an Assembly of Yahweh 7th day would be one of these branches(some believe themselves to be descendants of the 10 lost tribes,, others branches believe England was,ect.).. In AOY'7th day they differed in opinion in the divinity of Christ and other things but it depends on which group Wilks is of(Wiki article tells their history). There is also a video of F.Wilks on YouTube giving a sermon on family but it didn't help me determine his exact views of eschatology. It's a strange thing that these men are associated in the same groups of super-pacs and them refusing interviews no doubt is causing journalist to confuse their different positions in eschatology.