Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Maybe it is too simple, but every music that gives you peace and Joy after listening, would be "good music". I sometimes felt "disturbed" after listening some melodies or after thinking about lyrics. I think it is similar Like good food, it feeds your body or makes it sick. I remember how in Japan there was experiment, Water structer changed on different melodies and words. Harmonious classics and words Like peace,love,thank you created symetrical Water particles while "agressive music" and words created messy I think we cam discern good grom bad by "fruits" in us, sometimes Joy sometimes a headache😂
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Maybe it is too simple, but every music that gives you peace and Joy after listening, would be "good music". I sometimes felt "disturbed" after listening some melodies or after thinking about lyrics. I think it is similar Like good food, it feeds your body or makes it sick. I remember how in Japan there was experiment, Water structer changed on different melodies and words. Harmonious classics and words Like peace,love,thank you created symetrical Water particles while "agressive music" and words created messy I think we cam discern good grom bad by "fruits" in us, sometimes Joy sometimes a headache😂
For example i had a friend in HS who fell asleep to Ghosts of War by Slayer. He said it was an easy song to fall asleep to. Meanwhile most people would label that as 'bad music'. But for him it was good. And, especially when i was younger it was not uncommon for me to doze off with loud, heavy music blasting through headphones. I credit (as many others do) for helping me through rough times, and i've seen numerous comments of people telling bands a particular song or album saved them from killing themselves. This would all be bands classified as 'bad' or 'aggressive' and would reflect negatively on your 'water structure' idea. So, is that a good fruit or a bad fruit?
Personally i find most popular music, Christian or secular, quite annoying and irritating. To the point where i feel physically and mentally relieved when it stops. Meanwhile other people love that same music and may party to, or worship to, that same music. So the 'feelings' a song evokes vary between two people, so who's right?
And what makes 'aggressive' bad? Metal music has proven to be filled with lots of angry sounding music, yet it's fans have developed more of a reputation for being friendly and relaxed. Why? They release their aggression through music. They also are more prone to expressing and facing a variety of difficult situations. This allows an outlet for fears, as well as anger, that 'normal' people try to ignore.
You pointed out the structures in the water, yet made no connection to how that works with people. You inferred it had meaning, but nothing about that statement proved anything in regard to the effect on humans. It merely proved a visual representation of sound waves, nothing more.
As far as this test, certain words do have a tone to their sound. I don't see it as accidental. It makes me think of the funny line from 'The Office' where Dwight claims 'R is among the most menacing of letters, that's why it's called murder and not muckduck'. hehe
So if a song creates 'messy particles' but also helps people how do you discern that song? Good or bad?
You've suggested two methods of discernment that can easily, and very feasibly, contradict one another. Because neither prove the point you're trying to make.
I find when people start wanting to label music in broad strokes and say one kind or another is bad (or good) by their very nature there is a problem. The truth is none of it is bad, on it's own. Nor any of it good on it's own. What people really should say is 'i don't like this kind of music so i'm going to speak against it'. At least that would be honest.
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