Nope, it is not. to see some speeding is a law of the land that they violated and if they are caught they will receive a ticket which they got not as judgment but as a consequence for breaking the law. To say "wow they are speeding" does not affect the persons' eternal condition.
One can justify action all they would like, the filthy rags are in context to our works. They do not save us. Our works show we are saved. You said your nephew was or is a good moral person for the most part as I paraphrase your comments. I am sure you are right. But we are not saved by our moral actions we are saved by the blood of Jesus and our life after salvation must be like Christ. You can suggest or assume all you want. If you think speeding in a car is the same as sleeping with the same sex and same-sex marriage the only judgment is that lack of discerning right from wrong " woe to those who call bad good and good bad".
One can justify action all they would like, the filthy rags are in context to our works. They do not save us. Our works show we are saved. You said your nephew was or is a good moral person for the most part as I paraphrase your comments. I am sure you are right. But we are not saved by our moral actions we are saved by the blood of Jesus and our life after salvation must be like Christ. You can suggest or assume all you want. If you think speeding in a car is the same as sleeping with the same sex and same-sex marriage the only judgment is that lack of discerning right from wrong " woe to those who call bad good and good bad".
Thank you!
I so appreciate you clear headed scriptural approach here...I can tell you have not been influenced by the "prevailing humanistic world view" sadly some have adopted this lens when interpreting scripture.
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