As far as God is concerned, divorce is never the right thing to do, unless the spouse committed adultery, and this is known for a fact. (And I do not fall into either of those categories you have mentioned at the start).
Obviously no one can assist you in this dilemma over the Internet. However, if you and your husband are Christians and affiliated with a local church, it is high time you both made the effort to seek counsel from the pastors and/or elders. They are supposed to be shepherds watching over the welfare of your souls.
But the matter must be (a) discussed in the strictest confidence and the counselors must verbally commit to this, (b) both spouses must be totally honest and transparent and let out all the *dirty laundry*, and (c) there must be a genuine desire to resolve all conflicts and restore a loving and trusting relationship.
But neither party can assume that the fault is exclusively on one side. And each one should have loved the other at the start to begin with (unless it was an arranged marriage, which can also work out as many do).
Obviously no one can assist you in this dilemma over the Internet. However, if you and your husband are Christians and affiliated with a local church, it is high time you both made the effort to seek counsel from the pastors and/or elders. They are supposed to be shepherds watching over the welfare of your souls.
But the matter must be (a) discussed in the strictest confidence and the counselors must verbally commit to this, (b) both spouses must be totally honest and transparent and let out all the *dirty laundry*, and (c) there must be a genuine desire to resolve all conflicts and restore a loving and trusting relationship.
But neither party can assume that the fault is exclusively on one side. And each one should have loved the other at the start to begin with (unless it was an arranged marriage, which can also work out as many do).
As far as God is concerned, divorce is never the right thing to do, unless the spouse committed adultery...
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