Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
All of human history has been hurtling towards this

6 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

The Lord is coming to set things in order!



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
I have always considered the book of Revelation to be incredibly dense, it is almost as though every verse connects to a thousand other verses in the Bible. What an amazing capstone to the Bible. So it hit me, that is why John was exiled to Patmos. God used the Roman emperor, but they were simply pawns, God needed John's complete and undivided attention to be able to release this revelation to the church.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
It will come with a flood

Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. 14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

This chapter provides us a little time line of the rapture. Immediately prior to the Rapture the dragon is in the center of the picture wanting to devour the man child as it is born. That is interesting when you consider that it is only recently that China has taken center stage on the world scene. However, what I want to focus on is what happens after the rapture and it seems it is pretty much immediately after the rapture (days and weeks rather than months and years). The dragon and all his angels are cast to the earth, the woman who brought forth the man child flees to the wilderness on the wings of the great eagle, "and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman". I think this must be referring to great floods in China, though it might not be limited to China. What is interesting to me is that there is a flood season for the Yangtze which begins in early June and runs for more than two months. No doubt this flood is far more extreme than a typical seasonal flood, still a massive flood that causes dams to collapse could be apocalyptic in the Yangtze river valley were over 500 million people live and where a very significant portion of the world's manufacturing takes place. There is a very interesting similarity between the geography of the three gorges dam and the womb for a woman, the term rapture also refers to when the water breaks for a pregnant woman. If the three gorges dam were to burst it would be apocalyptic. Not only so but there are a number of hints in the Bible of a spring time rapture: "first fruits", verses in Song of Songs describing spring time when the Lord wants her to come away, the story of Ruth, the similarity between the Shavuot where the Law was given and the rapture, etc. This could be one more hint.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The Spirit of Nero = The Spirit of the Antichrist = You take credit for the things God does

The defining moment for Nero was the great fire of Rome. At this point in time it is not possible to conclusively blame Nero for the fire and I am inclined to believe it was a "happy accident". He says afterward that he will build back better and he does. This is the concept of the "great reset". In typical sociopathic fashion you trivialize the death and destruction and instead spin this as a great step forward. The problem is that to take credit for this you have to claim to be a visionary genius. This is what Daniel says, the antichrist takes credit for the things God does. That is truly the spirit of Antichrist. Sure enough Nero builds a huge statue of himself on the ruins and rubble from this fire. That in turn causes a great backlash and his popularity goes into the tubes. These sociopaths are truly idiotic having no clue what people think. Recently in the Governor's race one candidate said to the parents to keep their mouths shut and let the experts handle the education of their kids (I'm paraphrasing). Obama came and campaigned for him and said they had "fake outrage over fake problems". These fake problems included the curriculum teaching pornography to first graders and teaching kids that they are either evil oppressors or impotent victims depending on their skin color. They also said that dad's who were upset at their JHS daughters getting raped in the bathroom by boys were "domestic terrorists".

Nero is a guy whose father was murdered because the emperor thought he could rival him for the throne, Nero murdered his first wife who was his cousin and murdered his mother and of course saw Caligula murdered when he had been emperor. Making a blunder of the magnitude of his statue was not a small thing, it could mean his death. So he comes up with a solution which he deserves full credit for and which is where he truly earns his reputation of being an evil genius. He realizes if he blames some small Jewish sect, a group that neither the pagans or the orthodox Jews care for he could manipulate the populace. So, he turns on the Christians and is savage and cruel in his torture and murder. He turns murder into a spectator sport. He was raised up and taught by actors and actresses as a child and so he is way ahead of his contemporaries in understanding how to use theater to his advantage. Just as today a politician must be able to use the internet and social media and in Nixon's time they needed to know how to use TV, Nero knew how to use theater.

So what is the spirit of Nero.

1. Never let a crisis go to waste. Do not look at the city burning down and the people dying and suffering loss as a crisis, but rather an opportunity to build your kingdom. Even if he wasn't the evil genius who planned this, all that followed learned from him. Hitler and the Reichstag fire, Cheney and 9/11, the Pandemic and Biden. You use a crisis to manipulate people and get what you want.

2. Put a positive spin on it. Don't call it the great fire of Rome, call it "the great reset". Biden called the catastrophe in Afghanistan a "success".

3. Take credit for everything that happens as though you were God and conversely you are not accountable for any catastrophes, they are "Putin's" fault once no one is buying that they are "Trump's" fault.

4. When you are caught in your lies and hypocrisies get that off the front page of the news by giving the people a much more graphic and entertaining story. Our emperor is an egotistical narcissist is old news, replace that with blood, guts, people screaming in the streets, and some paranoid conspiracy theory. Far more entertaining, your story will be buried. No one is going to talk about the FDA approving a vaccine for babies if you go and kill 21 people at an elementary school.

This is the earthly wisdom that is evil that the writers of the New Testament warn us of.

1. They are not going to let this pandemic go to waste. A vaccine Passport increases the governments ability to control and monitor the population. Think about it, you don't have to go to court and have lawyers and facts and press reporting on it, you have a political opponent just give them a bad social score and you get rid of them.

2. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris promised the moon. Human rights abuses at the border would end as soon as they were elected, your college loans would be forgiven, only the rich will pay taxes, only people making over $400,000 will have to pay more in taxes, oops only families making more than $400,000 will have to pay more in taxes, oops only families making $60,000 or more a year will pay an extra $2,000 a year in taxes.

3. The flip side of taking credit for everything is to blame others for everything you don't want to take credit for. Impeach Trump after he is no longer president, accuse 75 million who voted for Trump of being racists insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, etc.

4. They are now caught in lies. They are caught in election fraud, they are caught in fabricating the whole Jan 6th insurrection, they are caught in selling influence. So we can definitely expect them to try and get that off the front page with something much worse.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The absurdity of watching for the Lord's coming

If you are watching for the lord's return and have concluded that this is the year that the Lord is coming and this is the season that He will return imagine the kind of absurdities this can lead to. I have a leased car and am returning it to get a new car. However, I am concerned because they are taking a long time to deliver that car. What happens if they deliver that car after the rapture? That is the kind of absurdity I am talking about.

When you think the Lord is coming tomorrow you really don't care anymore about that car. If it comes after you are raptured you really don't care about it anymore.

All of a sudden many things become trivial, or just not as important as they might have seemed years ago.

Now imagine we have two people in heaven standing before the throne. One person thought it was hugely important that the car was late in being delivered. The other person thought the Lord would come in June and He didn't come until July. With one person the Lord can give them a little lesson that might explain their error, but how about the guy who thought that car was so important?

When you are watching for the Lord's return it helps you see what things are truly absurd.

2Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
A darkness that can be felt

They take what God created and twist it for evil.

Satan is an imitator, a copier.
I have a job

During this post she mentions that she has been given this assignment to tell the world about these things based on a decree in heaven's courts. I thought that is really cool, I would like to get a job from heaven's courts as well. Then I was reminded of a dream I had months ago which I have already shared on this blog but I will repeat it.

I was in Gethsemane (I could see I was in a garden and knew that is where I was). A brother from a church I used to attend (they kicked me out because I objected to the son of the "apostle" being the president of the ministry because he had sexually abused several sisters in the church) came up to me. I did not recognize his face but I knew he was from that church and he asked if I could help them clean up their mess, (they needed yard work to be done). I thanked him but told him I already had a job. He asked why I thanked him and I said "I thanked him for remembering me".

So I was reminded I do have a job. This sister has a job, I am glad I wasn't given her job I don't think I'd be very good at it, and I'm real glad I have the job I do have, I enjoy this.

Likewise with Dr. Barry Awe. I am very thankful for him, I think he does a great job at what he does and I would not want to do what he does. Same thing with DTBM or Pastor Sandy or Dana Coverstone or Steve Fletcher. I am very thankful for all these brothers, I think they do a wonderful job at what they do, and I am glad I don't have their job because I don't think I'd be very good at what they do. I have joy with what I do. I get to dive into the word, dive into what others are sharing and open up to whatever the Lord would speak.

Then it occurred to me that being forced to retire because of the vaccine mandate was God's way of pruning me. This has given me at least six to eight hours a day that I can spend in the word that I didn't have before.

People think when you prune a tree you are cutting it down. No, you don't touch the roots. The supply of life to the tree is the same, it is just the number of branches that life has to support is getting cut off. They think, oh but the leaves supply life and nourishment to the tree. No, the sunlight does that. When you prune the tree the basic principle is I want one leaf covering the patch of sunlight not two, not three, not five. I leave the tree a complete canopy so it can still get the same amount of light but with half the branches and half the leaves. That doubles the sap to those branches and leaves.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
A darkness that can be felt

They take what God created and twist it for evil.

Satan is an imitator, a copier.
During this video it becomes clear she doesn't know how to pronounce Stratosphere but says that Jesus spelled it out for her. It is so obvious she does not have a scientific background and yet she is telling us what CERN is doing and giving us diagrams of these instruments! The Bible says the Lord will have them in derision, they must be flipping out when they see someone with 0 knowledge is able to just relay everything that is going on.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Antichrist -- the Jesus everyone wanted, not the real one



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
It is very easy to look at the world today and think they have gone crazy. But the Lord told us this: The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

The stone is marvellous, the fact that we'll build the whole building around this stone is marvellous and the fact that the builders rejected this stone is marvellous.

It is critical for them to reject the Lord, to reject the way of righteousness, to reject the narrow way that leads to life.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
A darkness that can be felt

They take what God created and twist it for evil.

Satan is an imitator, a copier.
She says something in this video which I thought was very funny, she tells the Lord she doesn't want to be left behind to be tortured by the Satan during the tribulation and the Lord tells her no one does.

But then I got to thinking, people get very offended if you suggest they might get left behind and to be fair it is not our place to judge, so this is an offensive comment. However, I realized I know one person that will be left behind and tortured by Satan. Jesus. He is not going to leave us or forsake those believers who are left behind. Think about that, no one wants to go through what is coming, He knows what is coming, if we had obeyed Him we wouldn't go through it, but now that some of us will go through it He will go through it with us.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
It is very easy to look at the world today and think they have gone crazy. But the Lord told us this: The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

The stone is marvellous, the fact that we'll build the whole building around this stone is marvellous and the fact that the builders rejected this stone is marvellous.

It is critical for them to reject the Lord, to reject the way of righteousness, to reject the narrow way that leads to life.
What is man that thou art mindful of Him?

So I'm listening to this message and he is talking about how Zechariah prophesied that God put the great pyramid in Egypt as a testimony and that the chief cornerstone refers to the capstone that this missing on the great pyramid and he is talking about how amazing the numbers and math is for the great pyramid, and precise and incredible is the construction and it occurred to me. God wants someone that can appreciate this. I have two dogs, I love them, but I am telling you the truth, no exaggeration, they are terrible at math. I have tried to teach them how to tell time, not on an old fashioned clock, I'm not an idiot, I know that is too hard for them, but with a digital clock. Even the simplest thing they are clueless on. No way they could appreciate the Great pyramid. Now they would see I was happy about it and that would make them happy, but that would be the extent of it. What is the point of God doing all these incredible, amazing things if you don't have anyone that can appreciate it? Don't get me wrong, I know that horses can appreciate a good race, beavers can appreciate some good engineering, termites can appreciate some good construction, etc.

But the only ones that can truly appreciate God are men. David asked "what is man that God is mindful of us". We are the only ones that can truly appreciate how marvelous God is. Now I don't think any one of us can fully apprehend, it will take millions and millions of us, probably billions.

But anyway, when I see the pyramid and the prophecy of Zechariah, and Jesus referring to this in the Gospels I realize this is why God is mindful of man. He placed these little gems and treasures for us to find. No bloodhound would have found this.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
This is it!

I have had a controlling vision. Based on Revelation 3:3 and Amos 3:7 I have believed that if I focus and watch for the Lord's coming intently I would be given (the church would be given the warnings and I also would see them) a warning prior to the Lord's coming. So even though no one knew the day or the hour at the time Jesus was speaking 2,000 years ago, we would be given a heads up immediately before the events. Well this is certainly one. He shows that there are two different prophets confirming this word, yet he neglects a third prophet which said that July 4th would be the last day of independence that the US would celebrate. On the surface it looks like it is a warning about the next 12 months, but it could just as easily be a warning about July 5th.



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
16 hours

Also I would point out that the Dana Coverstone dream "The Distraction Dream" describes the US as not waking up until "the lights go out". This could be a reference to these three days of darkness that all the other prophets are seeing. If so, this would be a 4th warning concerning this event. In every case the description of this warning is total and complete panic.



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Vaccine Mandate -- One step at a time to the MOTB

I agree that they would never try to force the vaccine on 100% of the people, not even on 20% of the people.

1st -- let those who are lining up for the shot get it. Promise that there won't be mandates because they are unconstitutional.

2nd -- offer free fries or lottery tickets to those to get the shot.

3rd. -- Get the shot so things will get back to normal

4th -- Get the shot and you can go to the restaurant again

5th -- Get the shot or lose your job, however those who are claiming that you will have to get the booster shot are simply fear mongering.

6th -- Seize assets, fine people who won't get the shot. Take children out of families who aren't vaccinated. Mandate the vaccine to children, mandate the booster.

7th -- If they can pass a minimum salary provided by the government then they can take that away from anyone not vaccinated.

8th -- Quarantine camps

9th -- Get the shot or get your head chopped off.

At this point it is probably less than 10% of the population, maybe only 5%. If you think this sounds absurd you still think the vaccine is for your health.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
14 1/2 hours

Some of the funniest videos on the internet are the ones saying that Dana Coverstone is a false prophet. These people are self assured because some thing in some dream did not come true. The problem is that the things that didn't come true a year ago are coming true this year, and the things that were absurd a year ago seem to be much less absurd this year. What too many people fail to understand is that calling Dana Coverstone a false prophet is just as serious as him prophesying. One of you is going to be judged severely for speaking presumptuously. There are many prophecies like Jonah that are a warning and if people will repent and humble themselves they can put off the judgement (please note that Nineveh was ultimately destroyed in a judgement from God just not right at that moment).

However there have been quite a few dreams and visions that have made it clear that the judgement has been passed and will be executed and there is no more opportunity to pray for a delay in the judgement.

All of the Dana Coverstone dreams initially would say to "brace yourself" indicating you had time to prepare for the coming storm. It took us 8 months to resign, retire, get the accounts settled, moved, get Social Security set up, sell the house, close on the house, and find a new apartment. It is pointless to tell people to "brace yourself" if you don't give them time to do that. However the latest dreams say that there is no time to brace yourself anymore. Sure enough if I tried to sell the house in NY now we probably couldn't or if we did it would be for a whole lot less than what we got because of higher mortgage rate. Not only so but the retirement account would be down 30%. Those two things alone would have a dramatic impact on our ability to move here. Instead of a smooth transition from NY to SD it would be fleeing the city like a refugee. So it isn't too late to flee, just too late to "brace yourself". That was two months ago.

But I get it, dreams and visions, what are those?

Well S4C Global Community has done a wonderful job of showing Biblical prophecies from the OT that point to this year.

When Jesus was in His ministry He said that this generation will see the temple destroyed where one stone won't be left upon another. The term "generation" referred to His nativity. A generation is 70 years and sure enough in 70AD the temple was destroyed just as He said.

We are told in Psalms that a generation is 70-80 years depending on your pride (the term strength has the implication of pride).

Another prophecy says that when you see the fig tree sprout that this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. To not pass away indicates 80 years. The Lord had just given a list of things the last being His appearing in great glory in the clouds. 80 years after the Jews returned to Israel is the Spring of 2028.

Many became very focused on the Lord's return in 2018 because of that prophecy since it was 70 years after the Jew returned to Israel and because there was the Revelation 12 sign in the heavens in September of 2017.

However, the second fig tree prophecy talks about the lord seeking fruit from the fig tree for three years and they decide to dung it for a year and then see if it has fruit before cutting it down. Cutting it down refers to the tribulation. Last year on the Hebrew calendar was the "dung year" (the number of the year was the same number as the word for dung). A very strong case is made for the tribulation beginning on the Feast of Trumpets, that would be September of this year.

One source of confusion is that people assume the following terms are all synonymous. When Jesus says "all these things" they think He is referring to Daniel's 70th week. He didn't say that and it appears to be erroneous. Returning on a cloud in great glory would be at the start of Armageddon whereas the 70th week concludes after Armageddon is over and the Lord sets up His kingdom.

I get it that my countdown of how many hours is left can be misconstrued. This is a countdown to when CERN will be turned on. I don't actually know the hour they will turn it on so am counting down to 9am their time on July 5th since they have said it will be turned on July 5. This is not a prophecy, this is a reporting of the news.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
I don't know what to think about this. Her teaching to me is very confusing leaving me with nothing but questions. However, there is no doubt that she is teaching on the Bible concerning the rapture and so I am including this as a way to be inclusive.