You might be really, really old, but you were no more alive during prohibition than anybody else here.
You don't know anymore about it than I do. I promise you.
Alcohol destroys people and families every single day.
If you know so much about that first-hand, then you are a work of God that He cannot use. If you are speaking FOR the consumption of alcohol, ESPECIALLY among Christians, then you have failed to produce good fruit for the Lord from your own life experiences.
You don't know anymore about it than I do. I promise you.
Alcohol destroys people and families every single day.
If you know so much about that first-hand, then you are a work of God that He cannot use. If you are speaking FOR the consumption of alcohol, ESPECIALLY among Christians, then you have failed to produce good fruit for the Lord from your own life experiences.
Alcohol is a non-issue. You've made it into one. That is being divisive and you indulge your critical spirit. You will be judged as you judge others.
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