Wow, are we not tired of this old argument? I mean talk about beating a horse to death. smh I'm hoping all you men here yelling about women in the pulpit are regular church attenders yourself. Weekly, not monthly. Because in my years of travel in over a thousand churches, the women were the most faithful attendants and ran the church. In a church I attended they actually bought a large screen tv to watch the super bowl so men would attend on Sunday. I see a lot of judgmental comments, but in real life, the women are keeping the church doors open in many of these small town churches. And if a man won't come to pastor then there is no reason a woman can't. If you're so misogynist, and that's a word I hate to use, that you think that God can only use a man in the pulpit, you're mistaken. The Bible is speaking of a specific time and culture. You all believe whatever you feel you have to. But if there is no man to pastor are YOU willing to heed the call? We are all ministers of the Gospel. Forget the church house. The mission field is before you. What are you personally doing to win people to the Lord? Because in the churches I traveled in in every denomination, all of them, women far outweighed the men in attendance, in participation and faithfulness. Women are expected to do literally every job in the church but preach. Some people think way too much of themselves. smh
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