I'd love to know what denominations, pastors, churches, out there are teaching some of the stuff I read people espousing here as what God's word actually says. When it does no such thing.
Like for instance: We have to labor in order to remain saved. And even then we'll only find out if we did achieve that goal once we're dead. And standing before God who will let us know if we passed or failed.
That faith is a requirement to remain saved. The parable of the Prodigal Son puts that to rest. Because that kind of teaching omits God's grace from the picture entirely. And it insinuates that backsliders, those who fall from faith for whatever reason, are then right back to square one as a damned dead sinner. Which isn't true.
Lots of false teaching in the world. And those who follow that then share it on forums where the scriptures are under discussion. And that then leads to conflict and confusion. Imagine someone who's looking to see what Christians in community are like without entering a church. And so they seek and find an Internet website so as to take a look.
What are they learning then?
The Bible is a bound book containing God's inspired words. It isn't a sheaf of paper with a scripture or two written down so as to minister with just that. But that's what happens with cutting verses out of context and arguing they mean everything as the message of Salvation. And that's just not true.
When we are in Christ we are ruled by God's Holy Spirit. We are t
Romans 8 Expanded Version
1. So now, those who are in Christ Jesus are not ·judged guilty[a] [condemned; punished for their sins]. 2 [L For]·Through [or In] Christ Jesus the ·law [principle; or power] of the Spirit that brings life set you[b] free from the ·law [principle; or power] that brings sin and death. 3 The law [C of Moses] was without power, because the law was made weak by our ·sinful selves [sinful nature; T flesh]. But God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son to earth ·with the same human life that others use for sin [or in a body like ours, prone to sin; L in the likeness of sinful flesh]. By sending his Son ·to be an offering for sin [L concerning sin], God ·used a human life to destroy sin [L condemned sin in the flesh]. 4 He did this so that ·we could be the kind of people that the law demands that we be [L the law’s righteous/just requirements would be fulfilled in us]. Now we do not ·live [walk; C life’s journey] following our ·sinful selves [sinful nature; T flesh], but following the Spirit.
Like for instance: We have to labor in order to remain saved. And even then we'll only find out if we did achieve that goal once we're dead. And standing before God who will let us know if we passed or failed.
That faith is a requirement to remain saved. The parable of the Prodigal Son puts that to rest. Because that kind of teaching omits God's grace from the picture entirely. And it insinuates that backsliders, those who fall from faith for whatever reason, are then right back to square one as a damned dead sinner. Which isn't true.
Lots of false teaching in the world. And those who follow that then share it on forums where the scriptures are under discussion. And that then leads to conflict and confusion. Imagine someone who's looking to see what Christians in community are like without entering a church. And so they seek and find an Internet website so as to take a look.
What are they learning then?
The Bible is a bound book containing God's inspired words. It isn't a sheaf of paper with a scripture or two written down so as to minister with just that. But that's what happens with cutting verses out of context and arguing they mean everything as the message of Salvation. And that's just not true.
When we are in Christ we are ruled by God's Holy Spirit. We are t
Romans 8 Expanded Version
1. So now, those who are in Christ Jesus are not ·judged guilty[a] [condemned; punished for their sins]. 2 [L For]·Through [or In] Christ Jesus the ·law [principle; or power] of the Spirit that brings life set you[b] free from the ·law [principle; or power] that brings sin and death. 3 The law [C of Moses] was without power, because the law was made weak by our ·sinful selves [sinful nature; T flesh]. But God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son to earth ·with the same human life that others use for sin [or in a body like ours, prone to sin; L in the likeness of sinful flesh]. By sending his Son ·to be an offering for sin [L concerning sin], God ·used a human life to destroy sin [L condemned sin in the flesh]. 4 He did this so that ·we could be the kind of people that the law demands that we be [L the law’s righteous/just requirements would be fulfilled in us]. Now we do not ·live [walk; C life’s journey] following our ·sinful selves [sinful nature; T flesh], but following the Spirit.
Saldy alot of the church has followed their error.
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