I have wondered whether Adam and Eve had belly buttons, also.
Also if Adam was created circumcised, given foreskin represents the sinful nature, but Adam was created without sin. And similarly, would males be born already circumcised if Adam hadn't sinned?
Why females have a sinful nature, but no representation of this in the flesh (i.e. no requirement for physical circumcision to represent what is needed in their hearts).
How the sinful nature is passed on by the male, but not the female, even though Eve sinned first.
What would have happened if Eve ate the forbidden fruit, but Adam didn't?
How much less painful childbirth would have been if Adam didn't sin. Would it be painless, or still hurt but not as much?
How accidental death would be prevented if Adam didn't sin. Could people still die, but be resurrected, or would they somehow not die at all?
Whether Adam and Eve went to Heaven.
What freedom the women had (if any) that were used by the fallen angels to produce the Nephilim, and hence their level of guilt in this abomination.
Whether all snakes (or other animals) could talk in the garden of Eden, or if not, why Eve wasn't more wary when the serpent talked to her.
Why some reptiles still have legs or wings despite the curse? (Are these reptiles - such as lizards - unrelated to the original serpent, or did they somehow receive a lesser curse?)