If it was an unregenerate heart the seed would lay on the top. That's soil #1. That's where your unbeliever is.
And how is it that the word of God grew in soil #2 with NO earth, NO root, NO moisture? Plants don't grow without any of those. Obviously, the word of God had SOME of those, not none at all. It grew up. And Jesus said himself this person believed. Again, if it was a big nothing it would be soil #1. That is where there is nothing.
You're projecting your 'once saved always saved' bias on the passage by saying since there was not greater growth this person is not saved. The passage does not say that. You do.
The word of God is growing in soil #2 and produced the fruit of joy (Galatians 5:22). But you are sure there is nothing here, no root, no moisture, no fruit, no believing, nothing. That is soil #1. And that is the soil Jesus specifically said is unsaved.
The exact same word is used to describe the believing of saved people.
Soil #2 received the word......with joy. Doesn't sound like the believing the demons are doing.
You're doing it again. You're projecting your once saved always saved bias on the passage. Your bias is telling you they wouldn't and can't stop believing if they had truly believed, but there is no reason to think they stopped believing just as easily as they started. Especially during this time before Jesus' baptism of the Spirit.
Soil #2 had the fruit of joy.
And I'm pretty sure demons don't have that fruit in their 'believing'.
It is a certainty if you keep believing. The sure promises are for those who believe, not for those who stop believing.
The sureness of the promises is not that you'll always stay in them. The sureness of the promises is in God who won't fail to deliver on them.......to those who believe, not to those who stop believing.
And how is it that the word of God grew in soil #2 with NO earth, NO root, NO moisture? Plants don't grow without any of those. Obviously, the word of God had SOME of those, not none at all. It grew up. And Jesus said himself this person believed. Again, if it was a big nothing it would be soil #1. That is where there is nothing.
You're projecting your 'once saved always saved' bias on the passage by saying since there was not greater growth this person is not saved. The passage does not say that. You do.
The word of God is growing in soil #2 and produced the fruit of joy (Galatians 5:22). But you are sure there is nothing here, no root, no moisture, no fruit, no believing, nothing. That is soil #1. And that is the soil Jesus specifically said is unsaved.
The exact same word is used to describe the believing of saved people.
Soil #2 received the word......with joy. Doesn't sound like the believing the demons are doing.
You're doing it again. You're projecting your once saved always saved bias on the passage. Your bias is telling you they wouldn't and can't stop believing if they had truly believed, but there is no reason to think they stopped believing just as easily as they started. Especially during this time before Jesus' baptism of the Spirit.
Soil #2 had the fruit of joy.
And I'm pretty sure demons don't have that fruit in their 'believing'.
It is a certainty if you keep believing. The sure promises are for those who believe, not for those who stop believing.
The sureness of the promises is not that you'll always stay in them. The sureness of the promises is in God who won't fail to deliver on them.......to those who believe, not to those who stop believing.
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