We have the Bible which contains both covenants The Law and Prophets and the New Testament. The Entire Bible is meant to be part of our growth in Christ because His Words are Spirit and they are life. The Spirit of God , The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus wrote it. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds by reading it . We cooperate with the Spirit of God to bring us to the measure of stature of Christ by studying it while it does its work. We are made partakers of His divine nature by exceeding great and precious promises. Stay in the Book !! OLD or NEW Law Or Grace "The Words that I speak to you they are Spirit an they are life" > I remember waiting for my chance to attend a Bible school back in 75 it was at a discipleship ranch back in the Jesus People days. The students would come out of the class on a break and I would look at them up the hill. Glowing with the light of life from being in the Presence of the Lord and His Word. The Word of God is meant to change us . Old or New Testament it is profitable for correction , reproof, instruction in righteousness.
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