It is better of you to ask God to change your body parts in pray if your body parts make sin.
We must be Holy on earth before go into the holy kingdom. We must know how to live a holy love on earth to go to Heaven. If you do not Know where Papua New Guinea is and if you do not know how the people of Papua New Guinea and if you do not have the Map of Papua New Guinea how can you come to Papua New Guinea. Likewise we must know how to go to have and practise on and live a pure holy life on earth to go to God’s Kingdom.
Therefore, if one of your body parts commit sin it is better to pray and ask God to fix it for you to be a good Christians.
No it’s not by faith you are being saved. You have to meet certain requirement and conditions in order to be saved. You believe and then you have faith AND you have to be baptised in water and Holy Spirit to go heaven. John 3:5-8
But listen, the work of the Holy Spirit ceased in Israel and is no longer exist. The Bible says that, God will turn his back on them and choose other people.
Please if you have any question on the last paragraph contact me on sarurutona@gmail.com
We must be Holy on earth before go into the holy kingdom. We must know how to live a holy love on earth to go to Heaven. If you do not Know where Papua New Guinea is and if you do not know how the people of Papua New Guinea and if you do not have the Map of Papua New Guinea how can you come to Papua New Guinea. Likewise we must know how to go to have and practise on and live a pure holy life on earth to go to God’s Kingdom.
Therefore, if one of your body parts commit sin it is better to pray and ask God to fix it for you to be a good Christians.
No it’s not by faith you are being saved. You have to meet certain requirement and conditions in order to be saved. You believe and then you have faith AND you have to be baptised in water and Holy Spirit to go heaven. John 3:5-8
But listen, the work of the Holy Spirit ceased in Israel and is no longer exist. The Bible says that, God will turn his back on them and choose other people.
Please if you have any question on the last paragraph contact me on sarurutona@gmail.com