Yes, this is the especially troubling part of the special individual enlightment/special individual enabling gnosis which must occur prior to believing the Gospel, rendering the power and truth inherent in the Gospel message powerless.
Salvation is a complete gift received, but belief in the work of Christ is the first and only condition to receive the gift.
Anyone who states the natural man cannot believe and must be enlightened to believe has more common with Free Masonry (Gnosticism) than Biblical Christianity.
This has nothing to do with free will/determinism but rather a faulty view of the natural man as born incapable of responding to truth applied singularly to the Gospel, not in other areas of life mind you.
Salvation is a complete gift received, but belief in the work of Christ is the first and only condition to receive the gift.
Anyone who states the natural man cannot believe and must be enlightened to believe has more common with Free Masonry (Gnosticism) than Biblical Christianity.
This has nothing to do with free will/determinism but rather a faulty view of the natural man as born incapable of responding to truth applied singularly to the Gospel, not in other areas of life mind you.
many very plain teachings of Scripture concerning the natural man.

Man's depravity vs God's Grace
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