Hey Gideon,
EDIT: I see others have already replied to you. So don't feel compelled to reply to this post. I don't want to come across as ganging up on you, but I'm sure there are others who hold similar feelings and view as you do on this topic. So I'm going to still post this for anyone to read and respond to.
Sorry for the length...
People are inherently rebellious and disobedient to God.
True, but why is this true? Mankind wasn't created from the ground as rebellious and disobedient. That's
not man's natural state but is a corruption brought on by the first man (since we all were seeds in him). Paul explains that this corruption is due to death brought on by Adam, which leads all to sin (
Romans 5:12-).
Man is mortal (i.e. the curse to eventually cease to exist). Death is not natural. satan is called "the murderer from the beginning."
How many people have you led to the Lord by telling them it's ok, there is no hell and you can live as you please without consequences?
This is a most logical question
if the initial premise is "
all are naturally, inherently eternal beings regardless of their actions and can never cease to be." But such is a false premise because of what Adam and Eve did. This is why Laura keeps saying "this is a lie from satan" because he's the first one who said "
death isn't REALLY death", deceiving Eve and Adam to commit sin dooming us all to death.
Meanwhile, God said, "
SURELY you will die." and then after they sinned He said, "
You are DUST and so to DUST you will return." Return means "to go back to a place one once was".
So it's as if we're holding onto what satan said as more truth and rejecting what God said as more false, as if satan is the truth-teller and The Almighty is the liar.

...maybe this should be another thread: "
Which one was telling the truth about death - God or satan?" We know what the answer should be, but because Adam didn't instantly collapse into dust many believe death means something else.]
If annihilation is God's will, He could have let Adam and Eve die and started again with new beings that may have obeyed instead of listening to Satan. Annihilation diminishes the true wonder of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
He just got finished giving dominion of the earth to Adam, and His Word doesn't return to Him void but must accomplish what He set it/Him out to do -
Isaiah 55:11 (the Son is always obedient to the Father).
His will is that all should have life and more abundantly, but THROUGH Messiah. Such abundant life (immortality) doesn't happen outside of relationship with God THROUGH Messiah. The Almighty didn't establish humanity as eternal first, He simply created them first
and then made eternity (tree of life) a reward for obedience ("
do not eat from the other tree or you will die").
After they sinned, recall that He said, "
let's block them from the tree of life LEST they take from it and live forever, now having known good and evil." (
Gen 3:22).
He intentionally prevented sinful people from becoming eternal. So sinful people (i.e. those unfortunate to be cast into the lake of fire) aren't eternal.
I read the testimony of a pastor who decided to stop preaching hell. For four years, not one person was saved in his church. He returned to preaching hell people started getting saved again. Yes, Jesus died for all mankind. But not everyone wants to be saved.
It's because the two doctrines: hell and immortal soul, go hand in hand. One must get rid of both at the same time else pastors will run into the same problem that the Catholic Church did when they first introduced "the inherently immortal soul". It's sound reasoning for a corrupt person to say, "if one never really ceases to be, then there are no real consequences".
What you'll always find littered throughout the scriptures
paired together - as "thesis" and "antithesis" - is life pit against death. In Genesis: tree of life and tree of death...the instructions given to the children of Israel: "I set before you life and death so choose life".... the Messiah speaks to the people: "come to me to have life" ....Paul explaining the gospel: "Christ suffered the pain of death so that we may have life"... in the last book: "the last enemy to be destroyed is death."
We have been taught that death is a natural part of life akin to a doorway to pass onto the eternal world of the spirit (where our actions in our life will determine where we spend our eternity). Art, literature, movies, religions, all promoting the afterlife as a consequence of death. But the truth reveal in scripture is, death is the condemnation to return to dust and cease to be - nothingness; a fading memory - because we came from the dust and not from heaven.
No one was supposed to
die...ever...but because of satan's lie and because of sin mankind
has already been condemned. But HalleluYah, the Messiah was sent because...
John 3:
"16For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only
e Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not
perish but have eternal life.
17For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.
18Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but
whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
19And this is the verdict:
The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever practices the truth comes into the Light, so that it may be seen clearly that what he has done has been accomplished in God.”
Only in The Light can one exist forever.
In darkness nothing is eternal.