Adam and Eve, the parents of Cain and Able had language because the world was well developed by that time.
The account of Adam, Eve and the serpent is an Old Testament parable that tells us sin came into the world by disobedience to God.
Here are some dates for your information.
200,000 B.C. Homo sapiens, the first modern humans, appear in Africa.
62.000 B.C. Bow and arrows with stone points (arrowheads) are used.
30,000 B.C. Cro-Maqgnon man is flourishing, moving from the Near East into Europe, lives by hunting and gathering. Cro-Magnon’s painted caves with drawings of the animals they killed.
25,000 B.C. Bering Strait is crossed by humans, connecting Asia to the Americas.
18,000 B.C. Clay pottery ware is created. Humans begin to use raw metals.
10,000 B.C. Humans make it to the southem most point of South America.
8,000 8.C. The Neolithic Revolution and an agriculture way of life is discovered in the Fertile Crescent(Middle Eastern area. Cows and sheep were domesticated and crops where manipulated and tended.
6500 B.C. The oceans and sea rises. England is now cut off from Europe by land.
6000.B.C.. First beer is brewed from grain in the Near East.
5500 B.C. First settled societies in the Mesopotamia region.
4500 B.C. Humans learn how to use the plow.
4250 8.C. Development of copper and bronze metallurgy.
4242 B.C. The very first year on the Eqyptian calendar.
4000 B.C. The wheel is invented and begins to be used. Rice farming in China is developed.
3,400 8.C. Beginning forms of writing. Earliest zigqurats are built.