Good Article!
But here is something I bet you had no idea about Graphene Oxide...Do You Grill or enjoy Grilled Steak, Brats, Dawgs, shrimp, corn on the cob, hamburgers, mmmmmm good stuff...??
Involuntary graphene intake with food and medicine - RSC ... › content › articlelanding
by M Saxena · 2014 · Cited by 20 — Graphene is found in charred roasted meat
We consume 10 times the amount of Graphene Oxide from how we COOK than all of the Vaccines contain!!
But here is something I bet you had no idea about Graphene Oxide...Do You Grill or enjoy Grilled Steak, Brats, Dawgs, shrimp, corn on the cob, hamburgers, mmmmmm good stuff...??
Involuntary graphene intake with food and medicine - RSC ... › content › articlelanding
by M Saxena · 2014 · Cited by 20 — Graphene is found in charred roasted meat
We consume 10 times the amount of Graphene Oxide from how we COOK than all of the Vaccines contain!!
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