To the credit of Chat GPT, they didn't say what many Fws here do, i.e. that God foreknew those who would choose to believe in Christ first! But at the same I also find them to be disingenuous since they preach how important context is! If context is so critically important to rightly understand Rom 8:29, why did they omit v. 30 from their argument!?
Rom 8:30
30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
It's crystal clear from the larger context of v.29 that God's purpose for his elect to be conformed to the likeness of his Son is the
immediate goal of salvation in v.29 whereas the more distant goal is the culmination of that salvation when ends with the saints' glorification. Paul knew exactly what he was talking about. He didn't put the cart before the horse. First he states the more immediate objective to salvation then he turns his attention to the more distant goal, making the entire passage soteriological and eschatological in nature. Chat GPT totally ignores the
eschaton that is inherent in this passage by trying to confine v.28 to one aspect (sanctification) of soteriology that occurs in this age. But what about all the others!? God calls his people in temporal reality, and he justifies them in this age as well, and ultimately he will glorify them at the end of this age.
Why doesn't some FWer contact that site and ask them why they don't even give v. 30 an honorable mention?