Translate: You cannot refute the biblical evidence I provided.
I've noticed you make that accusation against anyone who actually has refuted your error and using Scripture to do so.
Then your pattern then continues as you reiterate your errors while continuing to deny Scripture states what you refuse to accept.
I, too, think you are blessing in that you prove that all true spiritual understanding must come from the Eternal Source.
Thank you. Because it is that Source that allows me and others here to correct your errors and those of others as well.
Though correction refused,as your pattern examples,and those others like you, does not change that commitment to Eisegesis.
I find that is because of a number of reasons.
After awhile it appears as folly to try and reach you and particularly those fixated on hatred for Calvinism and whom they perceive as Calvinists whether they are or not, when it becomes clear the wall of separation between us is only overcome by God's will.
Until that is accomplished through Holy Spirit you and those like you shall insist on promoting your own errant misunderstanding of God's message.
Which you cannot see because you are not able to. And that is because understanding does not arrive as many also insist, by the choice of natural men and women.
Thank you for your time.