[QUOTE="CS1, post: 4587778, ]
There is no such thing as a "Gay Christian" no more than darkness can mix with light.
You're the classic hard hearted Bible Thumper that cause much angst on both sides.
My Pentecostal friend also happens to work in deliverance. We've talked openly about my sexulaity and my life story. And guess what, as much as she would love to give me deliverance, she literally cannot discern anything to deliver me from.
You are speaking from a place of prejudice and pride. You may know scripture inside out. But you do not know the love of Christ.[/QUOTE]
Your friend is unlearned I am not. You have an addiction, and practicing sexual idolatry.
names calling will not make you more biblically correct. That is why those who suffer from that kind of sexual Idolatry have anger issues and self-abuse. What you fail to understand is one's sexuality should be kept in the context as God created it to be.
Not in fornication, not in adultery, and not in homosexuality. BUT is marriage between one man and one woman. AS Gen 2:24 says.
You piping off the oh-so-familiar attacks by those who are gays activists: Bible thumper, prejudice, pride, etc..
I am not speaking from any of that, I am speaking the truth. And I do know the love of God he saved me from sexual perversion and addictions

I know more about the love and freedom of God because HE has set me free from sexual sin not saved me In my sexual sin. I have suffered abuse from family members in my childhood and I had a rebellious spirit just like you do. Jesus removed all of that.
Today I am saved filled with the Holy Spirit a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ married to one woman for 29 years three children and blessed < free and have the peace of God.
I am speaking from experience and the God I serve can set you free from your sin of Homosexuality. You are not a Christian and gay you are a Christian who is struggling with sexual sin and if you do not fully surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ you will be a disobedient child just as I was and be in torment and no peace.
Your labeling of me will not work. I am telling you the truth and you know I am. You have no peace, no joy, and you are tormented. All the one-liners of those weak Chr-INO's and left activist will not set you free but you will feel better about yourself for about two hours then when you go to sleep the acts begin.
You want to be free?
Repent, surrender, receive and separate from those who are addicted to sexual perversions. I am not better than you I am just free by the power of God and delivered. I don't talk about being delivered
By the Lord Jesus Christ and you can too.
God Bless