I didn't say a thing about what comes after the temple is built, I believe it was already built and torn down brick by brick just like Jesus said, so??????????? So what if men build a house of men somewhere? Men build meaningless false temples all the time. What's one more?
I also agree, who is the fool that said A human being could derail His plans? We can go rebuke him together because I haven't seen ANYBODY say that. So why are you saying it to me? This comment seems to have absolutely nothing at all to do with mine what so ever. I appreciate the comment though. Have a great day.
That red outlined area was where I have proven in all of my posts, where the Herod's embellished TEMPLE once stood approximately. There is NO Doubt in my mind. YES that is the southwestern Part of the OPHEL, and just North of the KING DAVID's Palace. ALL THE WALLS, including the EXTERIOR WALLS, were all torn down. AND YES the City of DAVID was the Nick Name, and JERUSALEM was it's REAL NAME.
I have Several videos that substantiates this statement, as TRUTH from Official's of the City of David, posted here. As you can see it was a plowed FIELD of Potatoes in 1915, TOO.
Here is one of the Videos, where two officials from the modern City of David, admit was ANCIENT JERUSALEM:
Micah 3:12 (HCSB)
12 Therefore, because of you,
Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become ruins, and the hill of the temple mount will be a thicket.
The MYTH was that Solomon built on the HIGHEST HILL, is rebuked by this lower Hill called the Original MOUNT ZION, was the TRUE Location of the Temple that Solomon build. Prince Simon Bar Kochba in 132 A.D. after running the Roman's out of Jerusalem, ordered the TEMPLE built again, but first the Temple mount must be lowered, because the Roman's built a Temple to Jupiter, and built it on the original Temple Mount on the bedrock, defiling it. So he has a crew mining the defiled bedrock and hauling to south to a ravine to improve the southern road to Jerusalem. Simon only got as far as getting the defiled bedrock removed, when 3 years later when the Roman's attacked with 12 Legions, and Prince Simon Bar Kochba, was KILLED in Battle by the Roman's.
The video above features two of the City of David's politicians proclaiming the City of David was ANCIENT JERUSALEM, Posted June 3, 2020.
KEEP IN MIND, the JEWS still think the TEMPLE Was On Top of the highest HILL. They point to Sandals wearing down the stones, and assuming that all of them were from Pilgrims going to the TEMPLE. They FORGET, the TOP of ROCK was Fortress Antonia, that held 6000 TROOPS that had to come down that same road to patrol Jerusalem. If 50 men (or even more) were sent every half hour, that would make 100 pairs of Roman Sandals marching down that same road, per hour. So 24 Hours per day there would be 100 pairs of Roman Sandals coming down that road, that would make 2400 pairs of Roman Sandals walking down to Jerusalem, a little over 1/3 of the garrison to man the MAJOR TASK of the DAY, SO, to and fro would make it 4,800 boots OR MORE, on that paving stones, each day. To see how the JEWS Trivialize the ROMANS BEING THERE. Look at the RIDICULOUS Model they BUILT, to house 6000 Troop of the 10th Legion, plus 4000 Support Personal:

Do you think the JEWS Trivialized the SIZE OF THE FORTRESS ANTONIA, to only about 200 Troops, or what? The size of the FORTRESS to house that many Troops had to be the size of the ENTIRE COMPLEX.
True location of the is on the LOWER HILL, and the Hill up top was FORTRESS ANTONIA. So Sandals on the feet of Roman Soldiers wore down the road coming from the North, and Pligrims Sandals wore down the road bed coming from the South.
Acts 21:30-32 (YLT)
30 All the city also was moved and there was a running together of the people, and having laid hold on Paul, they were drawing him out of the temple, and immediately were the doors shut,
31 and they seeking to kill him, a rumour came to the chief captain of the band that all Jerusalem hath been thrown into confusion,
32 who,
at once, having taken soldiers and centurions, ran down upon them, and they having seen the chief captain and the soldiers, did leave off beating Paul.
JOSEPHUS SAID THE Covered Causeways between the Fortress Antonia and the Temple Complex measured 600 feet long approximately.
The Center building in the Fortress of Antonia was called the Praetorium