Where does it say in the Bible that the tithe (or otherwise an offering) should be given to the local church? How does storehouse translate into local church?
My church overall is improving financially and doing better this year. So, I'm thinking of giving a bit less to the church next year and more to another Christian organization. Is this anti-Biblical? I have asked another pastor about this before and he did not take my question kindly; he said give 10% to church and anything more I can give elsewhere.
While the response from the pastor was typical, it is unfortunate that it was not biblically sound.
The offering and the tithe are
not the same thing; they are distinct under the old covenant. There isn't a single verse of Scripture anywhere that teaches Christians to "tithe". Under the Law, tithing was
not optional and it was
not given in money! The "storehouse" was quite literally a storehouse where grain (the tithe of the fields) was stored until needed. There is no new testament equivalent, despite some desperate claims that the local church is the storehouse (it isn't).
There is no mandated amount or percentage under the new covenant. However, there are instructions given in the new testament for giving: as
you have purposed
in your heart; for the needy; for the work of the gospel/ministry; regularly; as God has prospered you; generously, and occasionally sacrificially.
Give as you see fit. I would suggest that you continue to give
some to your local church, some to local needs, and some to evangelistic ministries.