You obviously disagree with my post, what I said it is Christ power in us and it His work in us (which is what you also said) but I continued . . .and in Christ we would be obedient to God’s law. So you agree with everything but the being obedient to God’s law.
So. . .I guess you mean this
So all we have to do is believe, but we do not need to be obedient to God’s law
Need to be born again, but can also be disobedient to God’s law
You might consider guidance of the scriptures because it all comes back to obedience to God which for some reason people resist so much, like they did in scripture. In scripture it connects believing with obedience Heb 4: 3,6 John 3:18-20 and reborn to being without sin Romans 6 and sin is breaking God’s law. 1 John 3:4 Romans 7:7 so again reborn means one is obedient to God’s law if we are to follow the scriptures.
People like smooth doctrine that tickles the ear 2 Tim 4:3 they want to be their own teachers instead of having Christ 1 John 2:6 and the guidance of the Holy Spirit John 14:15-18. If Christ is residing in us we wouldn’t be rebelling against God’s law. Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
We are probably too far apart in our beliefs to come to any understandings and that’s ok. I wish you well in seeking Truth to God’s Word.
So. . .I guess you mean this
So all we have to do is believe, but we do not need to be obedient to God’s law
Need to be born again, but can also be disobedient to God’s law
You might consider guidance of the scriptures because it all comes back to obedience to God which for some reason people resist so much, like they did in scripture. In scripture it connects believing with obedience Heb 4: 3,6 John 3:18-20 and reborn to being without sin Romans 6 and sin is breaking God’s law. 1 John 3:4 Romans 7:7 so again reborn means one is obedient to God’s law if we are to follow the scriptures.
People like smooth doctrine that tickles the ear 2 Tim 4:3 they want to be their own teachers instead of having Christ 1 John 2:6 and the guidance of the Holy Spirit John 14:15-18. If Christ is residing in us we wouldn’t be rebelling against God’s law. Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
We are probably too far apart in our beliefs to come to any understandings and that’s ok. I wish you well in seeking Truth to God’s Word.
There are evidences as to whether one is actually saved or not. But once one is born again, what exactly is the process for being unborn again? Once one has eternal life, how is something eternal become uneternal?
Now all this is not to say that one who is saved will not be obedient to the law. They will obey the law. But obedience will not be through personal endeavor, but results from the work the Spirit does in us and the discipline we receive of the Father. It remains all of grace. He who begins the work in us is faithful to continue it. He will never leave us or forsake us.
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