NO, THAT IS NOT WHAT I BELIEVE. Here is what I believe in nut shell, about the final seven years of mortal humans ruling on the earth. I have not changed what I believe one iota. So you can go back and re-read all of my posts on this Thread if you want the verses. I do not care one bit, that you disagree or why. I am totally at peace with GOD, with the understanding that I absolutely believe the Holy Spirit has led me to. I am here to encourage, like minded Christians, NOT to win you over.
Even after the Temple was Destroyed in 70 A.D., GOD's mission for this GAP AGE between the 69th WEEK and the start of the 70th, REMAINS and must be completed before the 70th Week of Daniel can Begin. THEREFORE, THE GOSPEL HAS TO BE PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD, and ONLY when the Last Person who is part of the Church Age Saints accepts Jesus as LORD, meaning MASTER; will WE be called out of here to go to Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven. That is After ALL THE WARS Prophesied in Verse 26. THEN Comes the New Prince of the Revived Roman Empire, with a plan for a PEACE TREATY (Covenant) for ISRAEL and her Enemies to sign. ISRAEL will build the Third Temple at that time or shortly prior to that Time. IT IS THAT SIGNING OF THE PEACE TREATY (COVENANT) THAT IS THE BEGINNING OF THE 70th WEEK OF DANIEL.
Three and a Half Years LATER, that New Prince of the Revived Roman Empire, BREAKS THAT PEACE TREATY; takes over the TEMPLE, demanding to be worshiped as God, (probably putting his throne in the Holy of Holies), and begins beheading anyone who will NOT bow to him as god, accepting his mark in their hand of forehead, as proof that they bow only to him. The Abomination of Desolation, could be a statue of himself, as some think, but I believe it will be dead beheaded bodies ON THE WING OF THE TEMPLE. WHY? The High Priest always entered the Holy of Holies with a rope tied to one leg, so if he died in there, they could quickly drag him out; because a dead body in the Temple defiles the Temple in the Jewish way of thinking. HOW MUCH MORE WOULD DAILY EXECUTIONS IN OR ON THE TEMPLE CAUSE THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION. That Last 3.5 years on earth will be the bloodiest time in Human History. I believe that Roman Dictator starts WWIII (probably NUKEAR) against all Countries that will not BOW to him as god, he survives as the Victor of WWIII. Then after that, in the final weeks of that so-called Peace Treaty, with all the Armies of the World, then being under the control of Rivived Roman Empire's Prince (the Antichrist), he calls for another war. He convinces the nations of the world to come to Conquer Jerusalem, getting rid of all the rebellious Jews and Christians they find by beheading them, and thereby they can stop Jesus Christ from WANTING to come back. Those final Days are literally described in Zechariah 14 and Rev. 19.