Baptism is a “work” of God—just like “faith” is a “.work.” John 6:28-29.
In Matthew 3:13-15, we read that Jesus submitted to being baptized and in doing so, Jesus said it is proper for us to
fulfill all righteousness, so baptism is a
work of righteousness, and we are not saved by works of righteousness which we have done. (Titus 3:5)
In John 6:29, Jesus' play on words here - "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent," was in response to the Jews who were taking a legalistic approach when they asked, "What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?" Jesus was not implying that believing is just "another" work in a series of works in a quest to obtain salvation by works, which would contradict (Romans 3:24-28; 4:5-6; Ephesians 2:8,9). There is a distinction between faith and works. Also, through believing, we are completely trusting in "Another's work," (Christ's finished work of redemption).
2 Thess 1:11 and 1 Thess. 1:11. Jesus forever connects them together in Mark 16:16. The conjunction “and” joins things of EQUAL VALUE. That makes baptism of equal value as faith.
False. 1 Thessalonians 1:11? No such verse. Did you mean 1 Thessalonians 1:3? Notice the words "work of" faith, "labor of" love and "patience of" hope in 1 Thessalonians 1:3. These are the practical outworking of the Thessalonians' conversion. The "work" the Thessalonians do is a result or consequence of their faith. So too their "labor" flows from love and their "endurance" comes from hope. Work "of" faith does not mean that faith in essence is the work accomplished. Their work is a result or consequence "of" their faith. The work done is "of" faith or done "out of" faith. Faith was already established at conversion and then the work "followed" as a result or consequence "of" their faith. So, work "of" faith does not equate to work "is" faith.
In regard to Mark 16:16, the second clause clarifies the first -
but he who is not baptized will be condemned. So, Jesus is speaking of
general cases without making a qualification for the unusual case of someone who believes but is not baptized. The omission of baptized with "does not believe" shows that Jesus does not make baptism absolutely necessary for salvation. Condemnation rests on unbelief and not on a lack of baptism. Jesus did not say, "whoever is not baptized will be condemned." *NOWHERE does the Bible say, "baptized or condemned."
If water baptism is absolutely required for salvation, then we would expect Jesus to mention it in the following verses. (3:15,16,18; 5:24; 6:29,40,47; 11:25,26) Yet what is the 1 requirement that Jesus mentions 9 different times in each of these complete statements *
BELIEVES. *What happened to baptism? *Hermeneutics.
John 3:18 - He who
believes in Him is not condemned; but he who (is not water baptized? - NO)
does not believe is condemned already, because he has not (been water baptized? - NO)
because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
I already thoroughly covered all of this with you in post #98 from the link below.
James 2:14-26, A verse by verse study - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums
Does anything that I explain to you sink in at all? I had to correct you on 1 Thessalonians 1:11 in a different post before. Do you actually take the time to examine what I explain to you or are you too busy "parroting off" what your predecessors before you have taught?
They both originated with God—not man; that makes them not a work of man but a work of God.
Regardless of where they both originated, faith is the assurance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1) and baptism is a work of righteousness. (Matthew 3:13-15; Titus 3:5) Not the same thing.
They are both COMMANDED by God, Colossians 2:12- “Buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the WORKING OF GOD. Baptism is a work of God that raises us up from baptism to a new life, just like God raised up Jesus from the dead. It is His work not ours and that’s not a “boastful work,” because it is not OUR work but His. Whatever faith is, baptism is too. Jesus says so. In scripture.
Your logic is flawed. I can see that you want to boast in your personal definition of non-boastful works. Faith AND baptism are two distinct things. Since believers receive the benefits of Christ’s death and resurrection (justification) and that through faith, believers must be spiritually united to Him (delivered and raised up with Him). If baptism is taken as the instrumental cause, then Paul contradicts what he had established before, namely that
justification is by faith, not baptism. Paul clearly teaches that what is
signified in baptism (buried and raised with Christ) actually occurs "through faith." Christians are "buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead" (Colossians 2:12). Justification on account of union in Christ's death, burial and resurrection is brought about
"through faith" - and is properly
symbolized by dipping the new believer in and out of the water. A symbol is not the reality but is a picture of the reality.