"the things WHICH ARE" are not said (of them) they "must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]".
It is the part (in v.1 and in the parallel wording) where verse 1 is saying,
--"[The] Revelation of Jesus Christ, WHICH GOD GAVE UNTO HIM [unto Jesus] TO SHEW UNTO His servants [i.e. to John and to those mentioned in 7:3]
--things which must come to pass [<--compare with the wording in 4:1 and 1:19c] IN QUICKNESS [NOUN; not adverbs]"
... meaning, when it is time for the things I'm about "TO SHEW" you [to John] to come to pass / be fulfilled / play out in reality / in real-time, THAT SECTION alone [of the "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]"--4:1 thru chpt 19, and thru 20:6 also; i.e. the part ending with His Second Coming to the earth] is what must come to pass in a relatively short amount of time (UNLIKE "the things WHICH ARE" which are NOT said "must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]");
...each of the "prophetic passages" that parallel this section [the "future" section of things being "SHOW[n]" to John, 1:19c / 4:1+ / 1:1 (7:3)] ALL show a "BEGINNING," a "MIDDLE" and an "END" in the same way (I made a post about that) with the same themes/pictures showing in the same slots. (I won't post that here, but I've shown how this equals a span of 7-yrs... i.e. the final "WEEK [/7-yrs]" and that "the beginning of birth PANGS" [including the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR; 1Th5:2-3]" at the ARRIVAL of "the DOTL" time-period] are the EQUIVALENT of the SEALS of Rev6 [but again, the 70ad events come "BEFORE ALL these [/BEFORE ALL these beginning of birth pangs]" thus B/F ALL the SEALS (and not "immediately before"--as this is where the "UNTILs" fit in--that is how "prophecies" work!
They have to align, and they DO in my viewpoint!)])
It is the part (in v.1 and in the parallel wording) where verse 1 is saying,
--"[The] Revelation of Jesus Christ, WHICH GOD GAVE UNTO HIM [unto Jesus] TO SHEW UNTO His servants [i.e. to John and to those mentioned in 7:3]
--things which must come to pass [<--compare with the wording in 4:1 and 1:19c] IN QUICKNESS [NOUN; not adverbs]"
... meaning, when it is time for the things I'm about "TO SHEW" you [to John] to come to pass / be fulfilled / play out in reality / in real-time, THAT SECTION alone [of the "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]"--4:1 thru chpt 19, and thru 20:6 also; i.e. the part ending with His Second Coming to the earth] is what must come to pass in a relatively short amount of time (UNLIKE "the things WHICH ARE" which are NOT said "must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]");
...each of the "prophetic passages" that parallel this section [the "future" section of things being "SHOW[n]" to John, 1:19c / 4:1+ / 1:1 (7:3)] ALL show a "BEGINNING," a "MIDDLE" and an "END" in the same way (I made a post about that) with the same themes/pictures showing in the same slots. (I won't post that here, but I've shown how this equals a span of 7-yrs... i.e. the final "WEEK [/7-yrs]" and that "the beginning of birth PANGS" [including the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR; 1Th5:2-3]" at the ARRIVAL of "the DOTL" time-period] are the EQUIVALENT of the SEALS of Rev6 [but again, the 70ad events come "BEFORE ALL these [/BEFORE ALL these beginning of birth pangs]" thus B/F ALL the SEALS (and not "immediately before"--as this is where the "UNTILs" fit in--that is how "prophecies" work!
Say the boss tells everyone at 11:50 A.M. to break for lunch and be back in SEVENTY MINUTES which is 1:00 P.M.
You come strolling in at 3:00 P.M. The boss is furious.
He reminds you lunch was for only SEVENTY MINUTES and wants to know why you are TWO HOURS late.
You reply, "I WAS ONLY gone for SEVENTY MINUTES - there was a TWO HOUR GAP between the 69th and 70th."
OK, now for the question: Will you still have a job the next day?
The above scenario makes about as much sense as you Jesuit Futurists placing a TWO THOUSAND YEAR GAP between the 69th and 70the WEEKS of what Daniel says is only a SEVENTY WEEK PROPHECY.
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